Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Napear's music / Interchangable Jelly

Interchangable Jelly

By Napear on October 6, 2024 11:11 pm

So this was the first full week of me being able to focus on music (or more accurately school) full time, and I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I guess I had under estimated how much admin type work I had been doing in my "spare time", because I put in a solid 40-50 hours this week and a shockingly  small amount of that was dedicated to actual music making.  But I did finally get caught on a ton of school stuff, so that's nice...

At any rate, I found myself spoiled for choice on WB projects this week.  Normally I'm trying to cram WB into whatever little spare time I can muster together, and so I don't have the luxury of starting and abandoning more than one thing... this week however I started like 4 or 5 different things, before I finally landed on something that I got across the line.  And it's a project I have been meaning to do all year, but just kept not having time to focus on it.   So this week was kind of a stubborn experiment to see if I could do a whole track only in VCV Rack... I did do some mastering in Logic, and I had PLANNED to mix it in Logic too, but the multitrack recordings of the performance I got that I liked were corrupted (which I only discovered about an hour ago).  So the mix sucks... but it's not terrible for like totally being done in VCV.  I basically created one monster patch with voices for the bass, pad, lead, and drums all synthesized, and all in one instance.  Basically maxed out my CPU, like I had to turn the visual rendering down to 10 FPS, just to get a recording.   Then I sequenced it with a Keystep Pro, used the VCV audio recording module, and then just jammed out. 

I may circle back to it later this year and re-record a performance, so I can get the multi-track export and mix it properly, but for now I'm not mad at it.  Plus I got to level up my Keystep Pro game, which is always nice, it's a pretty awesome sequencer that doesn't get enough love in my studio. 

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Gosh I love VCV rack and literally get no time to use it so I am very jealous! This track is great! That opening drone resonant reverb bowed synth string delicious metal sound geebus. Glorious. I could listen to that all day. And the deep bass later is absolutely delicious.  I like the arrangement a lot and the percussion is doing the werk. Great track!

I like how your computer was like a spaceship this week smile  "Divert all FPS to the rear thrusters!!!" VCV Rack always looked a bit intimidating to me but oof this sounds so wide and thick.  That deep bass sound is menacing and bad a$$ all at once.  Hope the p00ter is cooling down after that. 

neon liminal wrote:

Gosh I love VCV rack and literally get no time to use it so I am very jealous! This track is great! That opening drone resonant reverb bowed synth string delicious metal sound geebus. Glorious. I could listen to that all day. And the deep bass later is absolutely delicious.  I like the arrangement a lot and the percussion is doing the werk. Great track!

Dude same, I can honestly say that VCV rack is the primary reason I understand synthesis.  Like every time I have looked a up "Make X Bass Sound in Vital" or whatever, rather then trying to patch it up in Vital or Serum, or Massive or whatever the tutorial is using, I make it in VCV Rack first, which has forced me to really learn a bunch of key fundamentals.  I mean it's my favorite thing about modular generally, like IF you are willing to really learn how synthesizers work from the ground up, then you are granted near infinite freedom and control... and with VCV you can SAVE, and Undo...

I also medium love that droning pad sound.  It's a 4 Op FM patch that I'm actually quite proud of.  I just put it up on Patch Storage so feel free to pull it down and listen to it to your hearts content. 

Tone Matrix wrote:

I like how your computer was like a spaceship this week smile  "Divert all FPS to the rear thrusters!!!" VCV Rack always looked a bit intimidating to me but oof this sounds so wide and thick.  That deep bass sound is menacing and bad a$$ all at once.  Hope the p00ter is cooling down after that.

Thanks, and, lol, yeah, I'm glad I was able to get it to even allow for recording... That FM patch for the pad, and the Bass sound both push the CPU quite a bit... and I COULD have just loaded them in Logic as separate instances, and built the track like I would what any other VST... but I really wanted to do it all in a single take as if it was a physical skiff. 

And yeah I feel it, modular is a deep and thorny rabbit whole, and VCV doesn't actually make it easier to learn.  More accessible, but suuuuuuper overwhelming because of the literally thousands of free modules.  But man it is deeply rewarding to be able to patch up literally anything I can dream of, and to do so without having to take out a second mortgage is a nice perk... though CPU based house fires are a real risk.   

The high pitched melodic line that comes in at around 1:50 is BADASS!!!! The growly bass line is also pretty friggin' rad, too. Nice job!
And yeah, life unfortunately has that habit of just sucking out the time you just created for your music making, hahahaha... Happy to hear it was still more time than usual, allowing the multiple choice of projects.

I wish I could tranform myself a couple of years back and play Syndicate to this.

this is some V GOOD JELLY!! such a head-forward, into the fray groove. really dig the synth line dancing up top. glad you had some extra time to throw down and PLAY, my Friend

The sounds created from vcv have so much depth, glad you could wrangle it all together, I tried it a few times and got lost, maybe I will revisit it one day.  Best part is this just sounds like good music and not an experiment or trying to force it to work.

jegasus wrote:

The high pitched melodic line that comes in at around 1:50 is BADASS!!!! The growly bass line is also pretty friggin' rad, too. Nice job!
And yeah, life unfortunately has that habit of just sucking out the time you just created for your music making, hahahaha... Happy to hear it was still more time than usual, allowing the multiple choice of projects.

Thanks, and yeah that lead line is really just me jammin' with the Keystep arpeggiator... such an inspiring controller. 

jimmac wrote:

I wish I could tranform myself a couple of years back and play Syndicate to this.

Lol, I feel like a non-trivial amount of the electronic music I make is suited to running through a sci-fi environment while mowing down baddies.  Which I think might speak to my "misspent" youth. 

jwh wrote:

this is some V GOOD JELLY!! such a head-forward, into the fray groove. really dig the synth line dancing up top. glad you had some extra time to throw down and PLAY, my Friend

Thanks so much, yeah, I got really lost in playing with that arpeggiator... I ended up recording something like 12 or 15 little sequences, of which I used like 9 or 10... really nice to have the time to dig into like sound design and as you say... play. 

Jason Nijjer wrote:

The sounds created from vcv have so much depth, glad you could wrangle it all together, I tried it a few times and got lost, maybe I will revisit it one day.  Best part is this just sounds like good music and not an experiment or trying to force it to work.

Modular is a journey to be sure... and thank you very much.  I feel like modular synths lend themselves very well to experimental, ambient, generative, and like atonal noise music type things, so there's a lot out there... And don't get me wrong, those things are (or can be) awesome.  But I also feel like it has a place in more traditional electronic music, it just has a really steep learning curve, and takes a while to get you mind around.  But I feel like we are on the verge of seeing a lot more artist using modular to make music that's not just weird noises, or generative ambient soundscapes. 

so i deleted the vcv rack yesterday after only opening it a few times in the past few years since i downloaded it... and now i'm feeling curious again after hearing this - listening on my laptop speakers - it sounds great! 

Haven’t used vcv rack in a minute, given all the options available to get lost in sound design this is a really good example of restraint and balance between sound design and composition.

emily wrote:

so i deleted the vcv rack yesterday after only opening it a few times in the past few years since i downloaded it... and now i'm feeling curious again after hearing this - listening on my laptop speakers - it sounds great!

Thanks, and yeah, I feel like that's a common experience for VCV Rack... like there is just an overwhelming number of modules available, and like many are pretty good, which is actually MORE of a problem.  And the one killer that VCV has that physical modular setups (tend) not to have, is the thinness of digital oscillators requires a touch more sound design to get them sounding really good... where many hardware modules sound really great straight away.  So the learning curve can be even steeper than with hardware because of endless choices and how much harder you have to work to make something that sound full. 

mzunguko wrote:

Haven’t used vcv rack in a minute, given all the options available to get lost in sound design this is a really good example of restraint and balance between sound design and composition.

Thank you... though I think the restraint was more a function of the limitations of my CPU than my own will power ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗), but that's kind of what I like about modular generally, is it kind of forces limitations that require compositional skill to overcome. 

VCV Rack absolutism experiment successful. Excellent first track of that kind, I wish to hear more.

rplktr wrote:

VCV Rack absolutism experiment successful. Excellent first track of that kind, I wish to hear more.

Well you are in luck sir, this weeks track is also a VCV Rack + Keystep Pro track.  Little more minimal, but still all VCV. 

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