Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Napear's music / Endless Halls

Endless Halls

By Napear on September 8, 2024 11:05 pm

So I'm deep in another school project, that doesn't really fit with the vibes here, so This is another piano noodle... well piano noodle++.  A few weeks ago Neon Liminal hit me with a challenge to go with excess reverb... I believe "monsoons of reverb" was the specific challenge. So, that's what I did this week.  This is the Una Corda piano, fed through RC24, 100% wet and cranked up on a bunch of settings... and whats more is that is also on a send to a massive MTurboReverb patch... Then I also hit it with a little Pharlight, and a touch of Ethera Gold Atlantis vocals... all through there own reverbs (Raum, and ReplikaXT), then also sent to MTurbo. 

I'm not sure I'm super happy with it, I think (if I was to come back to it) each of the reverbs needs to be more carefully EQed... and the Una Corda damper noise is a little much after all the processing, so that could probably get turned down a touch.  But, as an experiment to see how much you can reverb a piano noodle... turns out you can reverb the hell out of them and the noodles stand up.  Also not a shameful entry into the ambient catalog for this year.  Seems like this might be a challenge to pass on to Tone Matrix, I expect his noodles can withstand a hurricane of reverb. ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)

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**listens intently to the lovely reverb and extends an umbrella to the sky... reads some more and realizes there's a hurricane a comin yikes **   
Ooof those deep echoes that become pad-like sound soooo soothing.  Feels like I just walked into Moria.  Great idea and love the ending. 

Beautiful. Fitting title too. Your noodles stood up great! The damper noises sounds like a distant giant gallumping through the endless halls. Love the epic ambience

Agreed, this really is beautiful.  The way the notes swim through the reverb adds equally to the lovely and melancholic moments.  A fine noodle to get lost in

this is where i live now.
reverb land, population 1.

good luck with the project!

It feels like I'm sitting by a lake, looking at trees gently swaying. Soothing.

Sounds massive, and the harmonies are the sort of wistful thing that would fit Oblivion or Skyrim at night.

I'm a sucker for soaking wet reverb on piano. You've used it generously here to create that spacious, lofty, dreamy place where we go to forget the world for a few precious moments and float effortlessly through a timeless, endless soundscape. This is beautiful, atmospheric, and transportive.

Not sure how I missed this this past week ... apologies! It's really beautiful. I understand your concern about EQing the reverb but I don't think it's necessary, there is a rhythmic quality emerging from those distant echoes that really creates a different space for this track.

I'm really stating to fall in love with stuff like this that actually creates a space - not just a reverb, but a sense of the walls, the materials, the surroundings. Your underwater piece did it so well and this one has a sense of distant rock walls, still water, a night sky far away. Really beautiful.

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