Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By mzunguko on September 15, 2024 6:36 pm

cont'd from week 36 ...

It's hard to believe that I have been in cryo for 100 years. I made the repairs I could to my ship but unsure if I have enough fuel to reach the Sophia outpost in the Orion system. I have been replaying the last set of video I have of my family that was left behind for weeks on end. It is hard to think about the choices we have all made. I lost my faith in the promise of a New World on Earth as it always seemed to be a hypnotic trance of the masses. A fine balance of both carrot and stick where only the select few from the right bloodlines, or those with the willingness to cater to the more darker delights of those in power, somehow rise to the top of the dung heap. I play these videos over and over again as if I enjoy the torture of the past, or is it more a reminder of the joys once had that gives me hope to find joy once again. Everyone was given the same choice, get in line or take a ship. The hardest choice was to take the ship, not really being an adventurer, stepping into the unknown does not really bring comfort. I only hope that I can reach Sophia in time and that those left behind find a way to make it there some day. In this empty space I swear I can hear the songs of the Siren, a lullaby of both wanting and hope. A sense of hope and foreboding fills the air as I engage what is left of my fuel to continue on the only path left, forward.

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Thank you so much for the continued support.

In Lak'ech


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Really cool how this continues on from last week.  Could this be the makings of a concept album?  I like the details in the story and the music really brings those images to life. 

beautiful and soaring track  heart
"a lullaby of both wanting and hope"

my forestlike bandmate just one of those ACS1 pedals and has been very happy with it. fwiw, the noise at the beginning did not bother my ears whatsoever. smile

Really nice texture and atmosphere on this track, very cinematic feel! I would easily listen to an album of this stuff.

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