Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By mzunguko on September 22, 2024 8:32 pm

Been thinking a lot this week about health and the health of those around me. I reached out to a friend and found out he was struggling with health issues as well and a genuine opinion that traditional medicine has failed. What was once viewed as a place to get genuine care, it seems that somewhere over the last decade this standard has been replaced. You can't go but a few minutes without the incessant advertising of some new pill that often only leads to more issues. I don't have any solutions but an observation that profits over care of our fellow man/women is leading so many down a dark road. I am really trying to stay out on cloud nine biding my time, helping those I can and caring for all to be able to reach the outer limits of our shared consciousness.

I switched things up a bit in my skiff, I replaced Arbhar with the Make Noise DPO complex oscillator and added a Low Pass Gate and Instruo Aradh Ladder Filter for the Noise Engineering Stereo Filter. I am planning to stay with this skiff for at least another week as I really love the tones out of the DPO and there is much left to be explored.

Blessings and well wishes to those that need it.

In Lak'ech

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There is a lot wrong with the for profit healthcare model.  Actual patient care seems to be way far down the priority list.  It's very angering, but this track has a very uplifting and soothing quality to it.  I do think music is medicine for the soul and this provides a good healthy dose.


The track is awesome though.  I especially like the mix, the vocal samples all sit really nicely in and amongst the drums and pads.  Great use of effects. 

A very enjoyable dance and chilltrack. Very good energy in here. The Pharma Lobby and the ones who make us ill, are evil.

i very much relate to your words. modern "healthcare" is so messed up in so much of the world. it's sad and infuriating. hoping you are able to get the support you need, Friend.

thank you for this lovely music. heart

So tired of the gofundme healthcare economy while my taxes go to killing people around the world.

However... really cool vocal samples and dig how you switch from a busy bass line to a more airy one during those sections. Nice mix as others have said

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