Take the Chance
By miraclemiles on September 16, 2018 11:57 pm
Started creating this with thinking some kind of power pop rock thing, with a 1, 4, 5 type progression, something I've never done but thought I might enjoy. So my attempt at that is the "chorus" in this. Used a power chord guitar instrument built by Afro DJ Mac to build the guitar part. Get to press one pad on the Push and get a power chord, neat. Bass is my current favorite, made with Wavetable. After doubting the validity of that power pop part, I jammed some more and came up with the "verses" for this, something a bit more like what I would usually do. Just to make life difficult, I changed keys during the "verse" jam from G minor (the chorus) to Eb minor. So they sound a bit different, but decided to put them in the same song, why not. In the verse parts I found this MFL Pluggo device called Super Strum to chop up the power chords. For transition from the disparate parts, I tried something also have been eager to try - some noisey riser type transition and drop into chorus. Improvised some quick vocals, put some in vocoded and dry. I'll call it a good week if I try something new and have a little fun in the process.
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