Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By Minnamari on February 28, 2024 12:23 pm

After a few tumultuous weeks, I'm back. I felt bad about missing two weeks but think the best thing to do is be gentle to myself and acknowledge how this process of finally sharing these songs is bringing up all kinds of emotions in me. So if sometimes I need to detach and just be in that flow a bit to return at a later time, so be it.

This is a song based on words I wrote back in 2017. It's kind of a mix between a break-up song and an unrequited-love kind of song, a strange mix of emotions. I wrote it in Finnish (one of my native languages, together with Swedish), and have tested translating it, but then the rhymes and wordplay go lost and it loses authenticity. So this song needs to exist in Finnish, and further on I think I will simply release some songs in English, some Finnish, some Swedish...depending on what the song needs.

I've had this song in the works for a while but today I finally managed to record the singing and edit it into a shape I kind of like.

The title of the song, "Leipoo" means "Baking"...

I decided to include the lyrics and a translation of them below for people interested in reading what the Finnish words mean : )

Lyrics (Finnish):

Katosta voi kattoo mitä
sisältään löytää
painan pääni pöytään
annan ajatusten soutaa
annan ajatusten joutaa

vaikka mä olin se joka jätti
en ollut ainoa joka petti
luottamusta vailla
suhde on kuin hammasrivi hailla

kun uin syville vesille
se iskee jalkoihin kiinni
laineet hehkuu punaisina kuin halpa viini
se sama viini jota juotiin perjantaina
kun vielä uskottiin lupauksiin
joiden luultiin pitävän aina

Mut, ei se toimi niin
elämä on muuttuvaista
eikä me pysyvää halutakaan, oikeastaan
Me halutaan vaan maistaa

Kaikki kakut syödään heti vaikka
sanotaan et säästä
tyttöpieni varo, älä ketä vaan lähelle päästä

se sanoo pitävänsä leipomisesta
mut ei se tarkota et se aikoo leipoa sinulle

se leipoo tyttöystävälle.

Lyrics (direct English translation):

In the ceiling you can see what
you can find inside
pressing my head down on the table
letting all my thoughts row
letting all my thoughts go

even though I was the one to leave
I was not the only one to deceive
without trust
a relationship is like the row of teeth of a shark

when I swim into the deep waters
it bites down on my feet
the waves run red like the cheap wine
that we used to drink on the friday nights
when we still believed in promises
that we thought would last forever

But, that's not how it works
life is changeable
and stability is not what we want, anyway
We just want to have a taste

All the cakes get eaten right away though
we say we're gonna keep it
little girl be careful, don't let just anyone come too close

he says that he really likes baking
but that does not mean he's going to bake for you

he's baking for his girlfriend.

Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved

Don't worry about missing some weeks... It is what it is. Really nice vocal again, did tell you that before, but I really like how you sign.

Take care!

Nice one! No worries about missing weeks, who cares. Important thing is to enjoy the process and get something out of it.

I like the minimal instrumentation! Vocals are beautiful and the language choice is great! I like the melody, seems to complement the words. For my taste, I'd like the vocals to be sung louder (not volume in the track but performance-wise) or maybe a few semitones higher so you don't hit those low notes that are hard to sing, but take it with salt.

Nice lyrics too, thanks for including!

All that matters is you're here now! I dig the minimalism and vocals, it works well.

djippy wrote:

Don't worry about missing some weeks... It is what it is. Really nice vocal again, did tell you that before, but I really like how you sign.

Take care!

Thanks! It means a lot.

horatiuromantic wrote:

Nice one! No worries about missing weeks, who cares. Important thing is to enjoy the process and get something out of it.

I like the minimal instrumentation! Vocals are beautiful and the language choice is great! I like the melody, seems to complement the words. For my taste, I'd like the vocals to be sung louder (not volume in the track but performance-wise) or maybe a few semitones higher so you don't hit those low notes that are hard to sing, but take it with salt.

Nice lyrics too, thanks for including!

I was thinking there's something off with the sound of the singing but couldn't put my finger on it, so your feedback is very appreciated. I realize I probably record at a too low gain since I'm afraid to blow it up. Now I can experiment a bit with those settings. Thanks! smile

SQF wrote:

All that matters is you're here now! I dig the minimalism and vocals, it works well.

Thanks! smile

beautiful track, i love the darkness of the lyrics, too, get those demons out! mad
and the subtlety of the movement of bass to such a minimal yet skippy beat is sweetly seductive heart

i'm so glad that emily sent me a "check this out" message with a link to your page. it was really lovely listening back through all your songs so far. i really enjoyed your singing on this one. the way the melody moved up was really effective in taking the song forward. thank you so much for sharing your music with us!


that last line is heartbreaking!
it's lovely to hear suomi singing
i read your garden story today & i think i'm one of the ones that was meant for heart thank you!
wishing your heart healing

Love this! Really enjoyed the bass part and the vocal tone, and the Finnish. I was watching Fallen Leaves last night and loved hearing the finnish songs in the soundtrack!

jwh wrote:

i'm so glad that emily sent me a "check this out" message with a link to your page. it was really lovely listening back through all your songs so far. i really enjoyed your singing on this one. the way the melody moved up was really effective in taking the song forward. thank you so much for sharing your music with us!

Aw thanks! That means a lot to me. heart

RajaTheResidentAlien wrote:

beautiful track, i love the darkness of the lyrics, too, get those demons out! mad
and the subtlety of the movement of bass to such a minimal yet skippy beat is sweetly seductive heart

hehe, sometimes the demons need to get out. and music is a good channel big_smile

Bleeoop wrote:

Love this! Really enjoyed the bass part and the vocal tone, and the Finnish. I was watching Fallen Leaves last night and loved hearing the finnish songs in the soundtrack!

Thanks a lot! And thanks for the reminder to watch Fallen Leaves! I've seen all Kaurismäki's other movies but haven't gotten a chance to see that one yet.

emily wrote:


that last line is heartbreaking!
it's lovely to hear suomi singing
i read your garden story today & i think i'm one of the ones that was meant for heart thank you!
wishing your heart healing

It fills me with joy to hear that you enjoyed the Garden story smile
Wishing your heart healing too!

There's a menacing tone to it, very subdued. Not sure why the story suddenly pivoted to cakes, but still pretty.
- Devieus

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