Kyyneleet ja veri
By Minnamari on October 4, 2024 1:56 pm
This song is inspired by the saying "No man is an island". Somehow my mind kept going it over (in Finnish) and continuing it with "Every woman is an ocean", and those are basically the lyrics of this song:
Mikään mies ei ole saari (no man is an island)
Mutta jokainen nainen on meri (but every woman is an ocean)
Suolaveden koostumuksena (the saltwater consists of)
Kyyneleet ja veri (tears and blood)
I don't know if I agree with the words or not, but they kept playing over and over in my mind until I made it into a song. As a side note, I don't usually prescribe what men/women/nonbinary people are and they can be a lot of things, but sometimes I notice a need to just express a very direct proclamation and also make space for that darker side of being a woman, that may has its particularities (?)
Technically, there are some details in the song that don't sit quite right for my ear but I think I need to give it some time. So, I'll release it here in this form, again, practicing to just let things be a bit imperfect and release it anyway if that's the form it takes right now. Maybe there can still be something interesting in it for someone else.
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