By LaScience on April 14, 2024 5:35 pm
Semi-live recording with the RK008, Volca bass, Volca sample, Pro vs mini, and Linnstrument.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC) / Music / LaScience's music / Linn-RK008
Semi-live recording with the RK008, Volca bass, Volca sample, Pro vs mini, and Linnstrument.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)
Love this, but it's really quiet imo, would like to hear a boost on it in some way (EQ, volume, compression, saturation, etc)
Thanks for the comments!
It was as usual a last moment upload with basically no post-processing.
I’m using these uploads more as a sketchbook of ideas rather than a finished painting.
Thanks for listening,