They Mostly Drone at Night...Mostly
By lament.config on December 29, 2024 9:41 pm
I'm finding this kind of difficult to be honest, that when I hit the submit button it's over. I want to say thank you to you all. WBs has been one of, if not the best part of this year and that is in no small part thanks to the people I've met doing this. I'd never written music before I started on week 1 and now, 1 year and 52 tracks later, I cannot imagine a possible future where I am not making music. Hell, I'm not even thinking about taking a break but rolling into next year with plans of learning music theory, field recording and seeing what noises I can force out of an SH101 a friend has lent me.
So thank you anyone who has listened, commented and offered feedback to the spooky noises made by some sad old goth on the other side of the planet. Truthfully, it means more than you could know. If your Bandcamp isn't in your bio please message me it - I don't have one yet but am in IG at lament.config.
So yeah, I made a drone in Ableton. Surprised?
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