Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / lament.config's music / Look what your brother did to the door!

Look what your brother did to the door!

By lament.config on October 13, 2024 11:19 am

A hill I will die on is that Tobe Hooper's 1974 masterpiece The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the greatest horror film ever made and is, in fact, the perfect horror film.  I have written papers, given lectures and gotten into heated (re: drunken) bar arguments with other horror nerds about this.  It is not however, in any way, a Halloween film - but alas it is what I had to work with this week.

The low engine noise is a slowed down sample of a large chainsaw idling.  The aim was to make a menacing kind of sub bass with it.  Also this week I had to re-install my OS and try to put back together I terrible mess I made of things.  Not the track I wanted to make, but I don't hate it.

Made with Ableton and the Sawyer family.

I’ve had some discussions about TCM - one of my friends is huge film and horror fan, and feels the same way about it. I’ve come around on it since I’ve first seen it, and it actually changed my mind about what a horror movie can be. Not just jump scares, but something actually horrific. Never mind what the actors went through to get it made.

On to the subject at hand, though - I thought your track did an *excellent* job capturing the sense of anxiety in TCM, that particular feeling of tension it has. That metallic clack at the end was a perfect addition, break in the tension almost like a jump scare. Great track.

I was thinking to myself that I need to revisit the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I have only sen it once and I was in early high school so definitely not my prime media consumption era.

Also this week's track is awesome as well.

This got the few remaining hairs on my head standing on edge yikes It feels like I'm tied up on a conveyor belt witnessing the carnage that has already taken place.  Doomed and headed for the same destination.  The pulsing bass adds to that anxious feeling.  I will honestly admit I've never seen it because I'm what they call. "A Fraidy Cat" tongue mayhaps someday I will attempt it lol.  Excellent mix and atmosphere for this.  Sorry to hear about the OS troubles.  That is always the most frustrating to deal with when you're just trying to focus on music.

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