Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By laguna on July 14, 2024 11:58 pm

I have an indifference/hate relationship with my Elektron Machinedrum. Don't get me wrong: I lusted for it for more than a decade, after watching it being demoed in a famous music store in Madrid. I finally bouth it for about 650 euros/dollars a few years ago. Still my most expensive instrument ever. Finally, the sampling model, with the works. And then...

Meh... It sounds all samey to me. Yeah, "the Elektron workflow" and all that, but I couldn't help to think that I could get more interesting sounds out of Elastic Drums for iPad.

Couldn't help to think it is ME doing something wrong... I DO love my Behringer RD6 (TR606 clone) waaay better than this!

Have you ever had a piece of equipment that you thought you needed or wanted but finally, it wasn't what you expected?

Anyway, First World Problems, no doubt. I was connecting something in the studio, spending all afternoon fixing some cables and making the connections "Pro SPDIF Toslink whatever" ... and then the optical input of my soundcard (which I never ever tested) didn't work. So, I wasted some precious time.

Not much of a melody. Basically delay and vocoder to cover all the missing parts.

Gotta go sleep. Tomorrow I've got my periodic health check, and things get funny when you lack sleep smile

* A QUICK NOTE: Sorry for the abrupt ending. Almost 20 seconds of a long delay/reverb tale got lost while rendering "selection" instead of "project" but I just realized that after some comments had been made.

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I have mixed relationship with the Elektron Machinedrum too. I struggle with the older elektron workflow and end up mostly sampling it. Sounds good here though. Love the spaced out vibe.

TBF to the machinedrum, the 606 (and I assume the clone) have "that sound" that you hear in records. I always find it just sounds right. It's also incredibly immediate.

I've had a similar experience with the polyend Tracker. I thought I'd love it but the hardware and buggy software issues kind of spoiled the experience for me. It sounds flat to me too. I could never figure it out.

i've not used any Elektron gear (tbh, most of the electronic gear y'all mention is outside of my experience), but i can relate to what you're saying. had a couple experiences like that in the past and felt burned so now i'm probably over-cautious when it comes to getting new gear. probably for the best though, in my case. i tend to do better with limitations.
anyway, i dig the dubby feel of this track! really nice bounce to it  smile

digging the dub vibes throughout.  That deep bass with the snare is a nice combo.

I really like the drums here! I had pretty much the same experience with the Monomachine, probably more than any piece of gear people really wanna know 'how it sounds' and the raw sound isn't anything special to me

ENC_ wrote:

I have mixed relationship with the Elektron Machinedrum too. I struggle with the older elektron workflow and end up mostly sampling it. Sounds good here though. Love the spaced out vibe.

TBF to the machinedrum, the 606 (and I assume the clone) have "that sound" that you hear in records. I always find it just sounds right. It's also incredibly immediate.

I've had a similar experience with the polyend Tracker. I thought I'd love it but the hardware and buggy software issues kind of spoiled the experience for me. It sounds flat to me too. I could never figure it out.

Oh, yes. The Polyend tracker: it looks gorgeous, though after I while I started to wonder "hey, I think I have like 5 laptops that could run Renoise at full performance, and I've spent like a decade learning the shortcuts for top editing speed... then why would I need this, again?"

About the Machinedrum, here it is, sampled as hell, downpitched 3 to 7 semitones, timestreched. There was even a time I thought I needed an Octatrack to make THE SAME SOUNDS I WAS MAKING IN ABLETON but in hardware, because... well, because reasons. You know... "hardware is authenticity and commitment".

It took me a while to come to the most obvious conclusion: "Hey, I'm already doing the sound I have in mind, today, without any new gear!".

About the 606, I agree with you. I got the clone and thought that maybe it will get boring after a short while, but instead it has become the "I don't know what to do so while I'm thinking, I'd make a 606 beat" machine of reference. Never owned a Roland one, but I couldn't be happier with this one.

I'll say it quietly, but it feels even better than my 808 clone... and I've lusted for an 808 half of my life smile

jwh wrote:

i've not used any Elektron gear (tbh, most of the electronic gear y'all mention is outside of my experience), but i can relate to what you're saying. had a couple experiences like that in the past and felt burned so now i'm probably over-cautious when it comes to getting new gear. probably for the best though, in my case. i tend to do better with limitations.
anyway, i dig the dubby feel of this track! really nice bounce to it  smile

Oh, yes. I completely feel you about the gear thing.

I've never considered myself a gear head. Once I could afford some purchases confortably, I got the basic tools (cables, mixing, soundcard, some patchbay... you know, tools). Suddenly realized the idea of "you have all that you need, now go write some songs" was considerably less popular than "hey, check this game-changing pedal, you totally NEED THIS right now!"

It is one of the things I mostly respect from WB: Every time I think there are limitations, somebody come out with something twice cooler with half the resources than the track before smile

Thanks a lot for dropping by and commenting BTW, Josh smile

Tone Matrix wrote:

digging the dub vibes throughout.  That deep bass with the snare is a nice combo.

The final snare is a happy accident, because the 606 is modulating the filter of the whole Machinedrum track.

You could hear the Elektron (well... sampled, downpitched and "drumbussed" though Ableton) box in the first two bars with beat.

I've built a whole set of delay and reverb presets so I've got "instant dub" just adding some hot water, ramen-style smile

Thanks a lot for listening, Eric!

Bleeoop wrote:

I really like the drums here! I had pretty much the same experience with the Monomachine, probably more than any piece of gear people really wanna know 'how it sounds' and the raw sound isn't anything special to me

Thank you , Matteo. Drop me a line if you want some beat slices clean and ready for the grab.

Yes, about Elektron, or even Teenage Engineering stuff... I won't say they could yield fantastic results on the right hands, but I feel they're not for me. I haven't sold it simply because I was afraid I was missing or overlooking something AND at the current prizes, I would never rebuy the box again.

On the Machinedrum the resampling is clumsy and in order to keep anything, you'd need an external editor that, IMHO, defies any of the promised immediacy. The drum engines are, well, underwhelming, I'm afraid.

Build quality is superb, and it offers separate outputs and stuff, though... Why should I have an underused copy of Native Instrument's Battery gathering "virtual" dust and yet when I wanted to tweak the filter via MIDI, I needed to figure my way through configs like this was a JV-1080?

I guess it's a mental thing, of course. "Analog warmth", "unique workflow", "character", "sounds more round and full" and all those buzzwords that had been abused until being almost meaningless, lately.

I maybe sampled the Factory Defaults hihat and toms set in a Renoise Redux preset and be done with it smile

laguna wrote:

It is one of the things I mostly respect from WB: Every time I think there are limitations, somebody come out with something twice cooler with half the resources than the track before smile

Thanks a lot for dropping by and commenting BTW, Josh smile

well said. and thanks for making inspiring music  smile

laguna wrote:

I guess it's a mental thing, of course. "Analog warmth", "unique workflow", "character", "sounds more round and full" and all those buzzwords that had been abused until being almost meaningless, lately.

I agree with this completely, I even wrote a blog post on this that will be restored when my website is back up but it is very much so. It's not about Elektron which makes really cool gear but for sure years ago some pieces of gear were the only way to get some results, for acid music in 1991 you had to have a 303 but nowadays you can do almost everything a digitakt does in your browser in tahti.studio it's really more about ideas and knowledge.

Like this reverb drenched beat, has the nod factor and nice dubby vibe goes well with it.  I always wanted an MPC, bought a used MPC live a couple years ago, great piece of equipment but I really struggle with the workflow and find it hard to find the time to learn it.  In the end I can always sketch out the ideas way faster in Ableton, so the MPC continues to collect dust in the corner.  I recently got an Ableton push 3, so now I really don’t know when I will explore the MPC.

Had to update my post, I take back my comment, after the new beta software update on the MPC I love it, arrangement and building a song is more like a standard DAW now, built in stem separation, it’s been really fun and I have started using the MPC last few weeks.

Jason Nijjer wrote:

Had to update my post, I take back my comment, after the new beta software update on the MPC I love it, arrangement and building a song is more like a standard DAW now, built in stem separation, it’s been really fun and I have started using the MPC last few weeks.

Glad to hear you brought back some gear from the limbo. I stopped buying any gear after a "hey! there's a synth inside this box!" moment cleaning my closet, so I know what you mean. Stem separation is a pain and I'd love to have time and build an automation script for Linux so it can take care of that automatically (don't know if it is possible to automate MUTE/UNMUTE actions through MIDI, though).

By the way, sorry for letting your last comment unanswered. These last months have been quite hectic when it comes to personal life.

Thanks a lot for droppin' by, listening and commenting, for sure smile

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