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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / laguna's music / Regarding this boom and that bap

Regarding this boom and that bap

By laguna on May 8, 2016 11:30 pm

It's been a really long time since I didn't do some vocals, and it's my first time rapping in english. You could easily see that I'm no Method Man or Biggie, but I had fun smile

I'm suffering from a severe sleep deprivation trying to keep up with life, work, some projects and of course WB. Would love to catch up with the new songs and comments, hopefuly soon, for real!

It's less than one hour to the deadline. I'm really tired but I'd love to post some further details about this one. Silly nerd rap with lots of interacting sends and no serious recording skills. Please don't laugh too much about my accent smile

Ableton and some original Amiga ProTracker 3.15 for those crunchy beats. Pads made using some Amiga .iff sample and then processed to give it some movement and action.

Here's the really nerdy lyrics. Mix is a mess, but I really should be resting right now:

It's the boom, it's the bap
Would you call this thing rap?
I don't wanna sound wack
(though) I'm to old for the TRAP

I'm not living in the fast lane
Mine is a slow game
Jamming with computers
Like Miles played with Coltrane

Kids say "Whoah!"
Don't you know I've got soul
And I'm Super Bad
Don't you undertand

That my trick is eight bit?
Nineteen Ninety Five hit
Always got my floppies ready
Never seen on the street

It's the boom, it's the bap
It's the boop, it's the bap
Clap clap!!!

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

Amigo, este intro esta increíble y los vocales estan bien enfermos, tienes un diez esta semana- big_smile

Dude, love the vocals, really fits well with that beat, and your accent makes it really interesting!

I didn't even know you did vocals.  Wonderful.

How Great is this?!?! Didn t know you were a rapper, now i do. Hopefully not for the last time smile)

nice! i'm still working up the courage to actually throw some vocals onto any of my tracks so props for doing so. i had a good time listening to this!

Wow, impressive rapping, fits the mood of the track perfectly. I was hoping for another verse as the song ended!

Superfantastico! I'm rofling over the lyrics.

As always Excellent!
Nice ambient Rap jam smile

First of all, I'd like to thank all you guys for listening and such a good feedback. I don't consider myself a singer but sometimes I'm sure you'll agree that we face the "this tune needs a voice!" thought.

It was really hard for me to rap in a foreign language because you've got to play with rhythm and speed, but I hope this won't be the last time I "face the mic" smile

Naikymusic wrote:

Amigo, este intro esta increíble y los vocales estan bien enfermos, tienes un diez esta semana- big_smile

Muchas gracias, parse! Espero hacer algo en castellano, aunque a veces usemos el ingles para ser más universales smile Gracias de nuevo

donnyjankowski wrote:

Dude, love the vocals, really fits well with that beat, and your accent makes it really interesting!

Thanks, Donny! I made this on a single afternoon and I'm not a quick lyricist. You got to see me getting my tongle entangled trying to flow in English smile

Edmund Snyder wrote:

I didn't even know you did vocals.  Wonderful.

Thanks, Edmund. I've always admire you to be able to come with long complete lyrics every week. Would love to create long raps, but It's extremely complicated for me... And that's just writing!

dj someguy wrote:

How Great is this?!?! Didn t know you were a rapper, now i do. Hopefully not for the last time smile)

Thanks, mate! I'm sure I want to be this kind of rapper...

But I'm more like that kind of rapper...

ahhsumx wrote:

nice! i'm still working up the courage to actually throw some vocals onto any of my tracks so props for doing so. i had a good time listening to this!

Thanks, man! I feel you: give me any hard editting interface which I could program on binary or something and I'll be fine... but "THE MIC"... That's really scary!

Plantrain wrote:

Wow, impressive rapping, fits the mood of the track perfectly. I was hoping for another verse as the song ended!

Thanks Plaintrain. I'd love to write longer lyrics, but the deadline was close and it's a extremely slow process, be it in my native spanish or in english. Hope to hit the mic more often smile

Jim Wood wrote:

Superfantastico! I'm rofling over the lyrics.

Whoah, thanks Jim! Glad you found them funny. I think they're pretty nerdy to begin with but really I'm a guy in his late 30s who enjoys reading about emulation of computer operating systems. Would be silly to pretend I'm the new Tupac smile

That "never seen on the street" line was a wink for those nerds like me who spent their teens indoors studying instead of "making a rep on the hood"... Keep it real y'all!

m2K7 wrote:

As always Excellent!
Nice ambient Rap jam smile

Thanks n2K7! Glad you liked the ambience. I think the instrumental would deserve a proper mastering (don't really like my voice)

This is brilliant DubHop. Your rapping fits perfect. Like it very much.

Q-Rosh wrote:

This is brilliant DubHop. Your rapping fits perfect. Like it very much.

Thanks, Q-Rosh! I'd like your idea of "dub hop", and I always wanted to explore some mixing of dub techniques for a more King Tubby/Beastie Boys b-side feel.

Thanks again for listening and giving feedback. Much appreciated

Love that chorus/hook!

Max Normal wrote:

Love that chorus/hook!

Thank you Max! It was a silly idea that I was hummin' and the deadline approached so kickly!

Ipaghost wrote:

I feel u, dog!

Fun track!  I dig the vocal line--the refrain is a great hook. Nice filtered sawtooth (?) pads, too.  I hear you about the difficulty of keeping everything balanced, and finding enough time for everything.  It's a challenge!  Good luck, Laguna!

Ha this is really cool smile I def hear some Mos Def influence there.  This would be an awesome interlude track since it's a bit different than your other tracks.  But definitely a cool track!  Keep it up!

Well done, takes guts to lay down some vocals and on top of that not in your mother tongue, great lyrics by the way, I hope to hear more

Fun track, props for stepping to the mic!!

Yeah man!  Nice dub groove.  I could defs remix this into a Jungle track ;-)

cTrix wrote:

Yeah man!  Nice dub groove.  I could defs remix this into a Jungle track ;-)

whoah, Sir! Please do! I could provide you the stems and the original ableton Project

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