Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Kedbreak136's music / The Society of The Crossed Keys

The Society of The Crossed Keys

By Kedbreak136 on August 21, 2022 6:49 am

I am back trying out making a track inspired by The Grand Budapest Hotel. After having listened to the soundtrack (and especially "Canto At Gabelmeister's Peak"), I tried to experiment with the sounds and textures of that soundtrack, trying to get that fantastic dream like whimsical sound. I am struggling with Opus' East West Choir - it is a very promising VST but, in terms of complexity, it is like flying a helicopter. This is the result of the experience and it was a good learning experience -  I learned a couple of tricks that hopefully I can reuse in future tracks.

Love that movie, love this prompt, and love the composition. Appropriately playful and mysterious. Nice job! big_smile

Man, loving these brushes, they sound so good.

I ran over here to the track and LCB still beat me out!

absolutely love the instrumentation and the up,down,up,down of the thing in the background at 1:01

love it love it love it.  i need to see this movie too

This is awesome! I love the composition too, such a cool vibe. You nailed it.

That bass line is just so you, Kedbreak. I love how much more complicated and interwoven your tracks have gotten over the last year. Great job.

Arrangement 100. Instrumentation 1000. The drums are absolutely delicious, I love the dusty sound they have. This is so cool :0

As I was listening I instantly thought about Grand Budapest, you hit it dead on. Awesome work!

great composition! the drums are the coolest big_smile get some live musicians to perform this smile

this goes very well with the memories I have from that film. Nice instrumentation and arrangement. well done.

Very whimsical, and yet, still has that keddy twist with the choir
- Ebrit

Sounds playful and mischievous.  The bass line is really cool, although all the parts work well together.

Such a great film, this definitely does it justice and fits well with the movie, such a fun track, love how much variety and creativity you bring to weeklybeats

suspenseful and poised for action, like the theme song to some kinda super-sleuth-on-the-hunt

yes, perfect! Fits the vibe of movie so well. I'm blown away by Wes Anderson films, the detail, everything. Just finished the French Dispatch. This song is awesome, the brushed yes, the bass is perfect, the melody and voices are tops though, magic

such excellent movement and energy!

100% nailed that Wes Anderson feel, I am reminded the most of those camera pivots into different rooms at the beginning of Moonrise Kingdom, though by the time the choirs come in it's a lot less mitiaturistic / intimate a lot more of a city-scale. Delightful piece of music, favorite.

I like those snare brushes. The sounds and arrangement are very eclectic and have a manic pacing.  A good fit for a Wes Anderson soundtrack.

levelcapybara wrote:

Love that movie, love this prompt, and love the composition. Appropriately playful and mysterious. Nice job! big_smile

It is a wonderful movie with such a distinct Wes Anderson esthetic, wonderful actors, and a lot of humor. Thank you for listening!

orangedrink wrote:

Man, loving these brushes, they sound so good.

I ran over here to the track and LCB still beat me out!

absolutely love the instrumentation and the up,down,up,down of the thing in the background at 1:01

love it love it love it.  i need to see this movie too

I need to find the person on the original sample of the brushes, as it seems a lot of people loved it. Brushes are really something I like texturally and some tracks of the Grand Budapest Hotel soundtrack also use that a lot, I thought it would be appropriate. Thank you for listening and your kind comment.

You do need to watch this movie, it is really a masterpiece and just a full fantastic trip in a world that looks like ours but is kinda different too.

??? wrote:

This is awesome! I love the composition too, such a cool vibe. You nailed it.

Thank you! smile

hent03 wrote:

That bass line is just so you, Kedbreak. I love how much more complicated and interwoven your tracks have gotten over the last year. Great job.

That down up down up, bass that sounds a bit like the circus? smile As we get through track week after week, we build some more experiences based on past tracks, based on listening to other tracks, and the ear slightly but surely gets more and more finely tuned and looks for different elements. The whole experience of having to do it every single week also forces us to get out of the box and try new things just to get tracks out. Weekly Beats is a blessing - thank you for introducing it to me!

Ipaghost wrote:

2haf wrote:

Arrangement 100. Instrumentation 1000. The drums are absolutely delicious, I love the dusty sound they have. This is so cool :0

Thank you very much! That is a very heartwarming comment!

PieBaron wrote:

As I was listening I instantly thought about Grand Budapest, you hit it dead on. Awesome work!

I am glad it brought the movie to mind! Thank you! smile

horatiuromantic wrote:

great composition! the drums are the coolest big_smile get some live musicians to perform this smile

Ha that would be fun! Thank you for that cool idea!

Q-Rosh wrote:

this goes very well with the memories I have from that film. Nice instrumentation and arrangement. well done.

Thank you! heart

Devieus wrote:

Very whimsical, and yet, still has that keddy twist with the choir
- Ebrit

I try to run away from the ked but it seems it follows me around all the time, like a shadow.

CosmicCairns wrote:

Sounds playful and mischievous.  The bass line is really cool, although all the parts work well together.

Thank you very much!

Jason Nijjer wrote:

Such a great film, this definitely does it justice and fits well with the movie, such a fun track, love how much variety and creativity you bring to weeklybeats

Such a great film! I really appreciate your comments about variety and creativity! smile

miraclemiles wrote:

yes, perfect! Fits the vibe of movie so well. I'm blown away by Wes Anderson films, the detail, everything. Just finished the French Dispatch. This song is awesome, the brushed yes, the bass is perfect, the melody and voices are tops though, magic

Wes Anderson's vision and esthetics are really wonderful and it's great it's not standardized and forced to conform to an hollywood standard way of doing things.

emily wrote:

such excellent movement and energy!

Thank you very much! smile

ilzxc wrote:

100% nailed that Wes Anderson feel, I am reminded the most of those camera pivots into different rooms at the beginning of Moonrise Kingdom, though by the time the choirs come in it's a lot less mitiaturistic / intimate a lot more of a city-scale. Delightful piece of music, favorite.

Thank you very much! Trying out new music and getting inspirations from people with great esthetic sense, be it movie or music, are really a great way to enjoy the weekly beats journey.

NWSPR wrote:

I like those snare brushes. The sounds and arrangement are very eclectic and have a manic pacing.  A good fit for a Wes Anderson soundtrack.

Thank you very much! smile

You def captured that Wes Anderson-esque feel with the movement and variety of instruments used.  The woodwinds paint that picture of characters bustling about as the montage unfolds.  Excellent work!  I need to rewatch that film always such cool details in his films.

Very good research project to undertake and nicely executed too!  I had a theatre show I did sound for and they requested Wes Anderson type scores.  Was fun to research and create a personal version inspired by it. 

Tone Matrix wrote:

You def captured that Wes Anderson-esque feel with the movement and variety of instruments used.  The woodwinds paint that picture of characters bustling about as the montage unfolds.  Excellent work!  I need to rewatch that film always such cool details in his films.

Yes, it's one of these movies that benefit from repeated viewings. And the viewer also benefits from the repeated viewrings.

rdomain wrote:

Very good research project to undertake and nicely executed too!  I had a theatre show I did sound for and they requested Wes Anderson type scores.  Was fun to research and create a personal version inspired by it.

It's indeed a good learning experience. I need to try more of that. Maybe during the off year i'll try to copy famous tracks, there is so much to learn there.

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