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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Kedbreak136's music / Bring out your dead

Bring out your dead

By Kedbreak136 on May 17, 2020 1:54 am

I had this bunch of riffs that sounded like a slow cemetery party. After adding all the samples I could find on splice that were Horror related, it sounded like this should not be a slow goth song but it should go metal. like METAL. So i added a ton of guitar, it's the sound of mash potatoes crying, it sounds like a early 90s shitty death metal demo tape. But I had fun at least.  It's like the soundtrack of the trailer of an amateur zombie apocalypse movie.


Done in FL studio, with Horrors package samples from Splice, FPC drum machine. A mixbag of guitars and bass plugged into FX Bias.

Killer main riff. Also love the choice of samples for the quieter section, and the way it feels like there's a short moment of silence before the zombie horde reappears. Nice work!

Cool stuff. J'aime les screams. Ça marcherait bien comme soundtrack d'un film d'horreur. bien joué.

This is great; pairs well with how I’m watching The Walking Dead right now. I like the guitar solo at 1:45.

hent03 wrote:

Killer main riff. Also love the choice of samples for the quieter section, and the way it feels like there's a short moment of silence before the zombie horde reappears. Nice work!

Thank you! Yes, like you get a camera closeup of a character and some kind of dark doorway behind them. smile

djippy wrote:

Cool stuff. J'aime les screams. Ça marcherait bien comme soundtrack d'un film d'horreur. bien joué.


Mission Crossing wrote:

This is great; pairs well with how I’m watching The Walking Dead right now. I like the guitar solo at 1:45.

Ah yes that was the intent. Simple and evil.

By the way, if you guys have good tips to make a clearer metal track mix, i'd welcome that. The current mix is very messy. It kinda works for that specific track and the chaotic vibe but it's not as if I intentionally meant to make it sound unclear. I always struggle with the balance of having heavy guitars and avoiding the wow-wow mushy sound.

Damn, coming in hard with that intro. Super intense, good idea to take it in a metal direction. Really nice unexpected change up at 1:45 too, fits into the song really well.

ViridianLoom wrote:

Damn, coming in hard with that intro. Super intense, good idea to take it in a metal direction. Really nice unexpected change up at 1:45 too, fits into the song really well.

Thank you! Metal guitars always feel good. smile

Fucking intense! Those guitars are sick!!  I like your description of mash potatoes crying, lol. Can I get that as a plugin for Logic? The zombie stuff is crazy. Fun song all around and a slamming start to my Sunday morning smile

Ohhhh yeah I like this.  Great intro.  Great sample in the beginning.  A little horrifying at times wink

NWSPR wrote:

Fucking intense! Those guitars are sick!!  I like your description of mash potatoes crying, lol. Can I get that as a plugin for Logic? The zombie stuff is crazy. Fun song all around and a slamming start to my Sunday morning smile

I am sure there's a VST somewehere called "crying mashed potatoes". Thank you!

coreytrev0r wrote:

Ohhhh yeah I like this.  Great intro.  Great sample in the beginning.  A little horrifying at times wink

That was the whole point! All these crunchy squishy bloody samples. smile

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