By KANELDIGITAL on March 13, 2022 10:08 am
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved / Music / KANELDIGITAL's music / JEFF BGM 10: JEFFs EKKOVALSER
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Copyright All rights reserved
The little stops around 0:34 and another at 0:43 are quite perfect. May I ask how you make your music? Both textures & timing in everything you posted is remarkable.
The little stops around 0:34 and another at 0:43 are quite perfect. May I ask how you make your music? Both textures & timing in everything you posted is remarkable.
Thanks! I have different approaches, but this is all played by hand on modified keyboards, multitracked and arranged as a kind of sound collage in Ableton Live. Some parts are played through a spring reverb where the dry/wet is modulated by an LFO, that is causing the texture that is coming and going.
I usually commit to one recording as a base and layer things upon that. I never quantize, just go by ear and (lack off) rhythm. Same goes with "notes", just fumbling really...