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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / jwh's music / wouldn't you like to know

wouldn't you like to know

By jwh on February 18, 2024 1:52 am

this past year i've been working on being more present in the moment, in general but also specifically when recording. sometimes i get uptight trying to get "perfect" sounds or really clean quiet recordings, but i've been trying to move past that and just have fun and try to capture the feeling. it reminds me a little bit of when i was younger learning how to use a 4 track cassette recorder & just being amazed that sound could be layered like that. even though i'm not currently recording on a 4 track, i'm leaning into that feeling with some of these.
thank you for coming to my tedwh talk big_smile

and thank you for singing with me, emily heart

wouldn't you like to know
wouldn't you like to know when you're going
wouldn't you like to stay till you're old and grey

wouldn't you like to know
wouldn't you like to know where you're going
wouldn't you like to leave when the slate is clean
all the way
all the way

wouldn't you like to know
wouldn't you like to know when you're going
wouldn't you like to stay till you're old and grey

wouldn't you like to know
wouldn't you like to know when you're going?

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Copyright All rights reserved


This is lovely.

(I think I would have taken a little less of this hiss that I don't know where is from, but who cares about me, the signing, chord progression, super pleasant to listen to!)

Yeah, especially on those weekly beats recording, I just go for it, edit some of the mistakes and live with all the imperfections.

The 4-track days were the best.  I remember how fun it was just to make sounds and have no expectation of perfection or that anyone would even listen to it or like it.  This has a very pleasant comfy and homey vibe.  It's nice to just hear some guitar strumming and a lovely little gentle melody.

Sentimental and raw... but powerful! Or maybe: powerful *because* it's so raw?

You and Emily are quite special here, a space dominated by electronic music. Keep up the good work, I enjoyed this a lot!

Oh josh, you have given the world the biggest hug with this song! I am crying. I feel so alive when I listen to your and em’s music. heart

always such heartfelt lyrics that find a way to connect with the listener.  Love the bouncy sorta playful rhythm of the bass n geetar.  I def miss the 4trk days.  Mine got sent to the dumpster in "well it can't fit in the car that's where the cats are going!-move"  But def sometimes less is more and just getting that flow down is all that's needed.  Oh and I love how you're using the Casio.  I wouldn't have a clue where it was coming from.  It sounds great!  You guys are a continuing inspiration tanks smile

ahhhh this is so effing goood! Tasteful key melody in the background. Love how the equally tasteful electric guitar comes in around 1:00. Favorited!!

Wonderful vibe... like, stopped me in my tracks just to sit pie eyed just listening.  Just beautiful.

I love noise in recordings and I especially love hearing it right at the start of a track, before any actual music has played. Noise is imperfection and leading with imperfection feels vulnerable and intimate and quintessentially human.

Wonderful as always, friends. Looking forward to next week. heart

Lovely track, thank you for making and sharing this! Napear said it perfectly, just had to sit and listen and smile. Good feelz! So agree with just capturing in whatever way and just having fun. Perfection is not for every day, and gets in the way sometime. I love the dramatic lighting in the video.

really enjoyed this!

emily wrote:


“...One can't stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one?”

djippy wrote:

This is lovely.

(I think I would have taken a little less of this hiss that I don't know where is from, but who cares about me, the signing, chord progression, super pleasant to listen to!)

Yeah, especially on those weekly beats recording, I just go for it, edit some of the mistakes and live with all the imperfections.

thank you much!

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

The 4-track days were the best.  I remember how fun it was just to make sounds and have no expectation of perfection or that anyone would even listen to it or like it.  This has a very pleasant comfy and homey vibe.  It's nice to just hear some guitar strumming and a lovely little gentle melody.

much obliged! and yeah, i miss the simplicity of the 4-track (and not staring at a damn screen all the time) but i do not miss lost or gobbled cassette tapes  smile

rplktr wrote:

Sentimental and raw... but powerful! Or maybe: powerful *because* it's so raw?

You and Emily are quite special here, a space dominated by electronic music. Keep up the good work, I enjoyed this a lot!

very kind of you, rplktr 

Animal hero wrote:

Oh josh, you have given the world the biggest hug with this song! I am crying. I feel so alive when I listen to your and em’s music. heart

oh buddy  heart

Tone Matrix wrote:

always such heartfelt lyrics that find a way to connect with the listener.  Love the bouncy sorta playful rhythm of the bass n geetar.  I def miss the 4trk days.  Mine got sent to the dumpster in "well it can't fit in the car that's where the cats are going!-move"  But def sometimes less is more and just getting that flow down is all that's needed.  Oh and I love how you're using the Casio.  I wouldn't have a clue where it was coming from.  It sounds great!  You guys are a continuing inspiration tanks smile

thank you so much, Tone! yeah, i really like layering 2 different Casio tones playing the same part and then adding some processing. i think this was "piano" and "vibraphone" with some tape delay and plate reverb and panning. 

SQF wrote:

ahhhh this is so effing goood! Tasteful key melody in the background. Love how the equally tasteful electric guitar comes in around 1:00. Favorited!!

thank you! that guitar part felt really good to play

Napear wrote:

Wonderful vibe... like, stopped me in my tracks just to sit pie eyed just listening.  Just beautiful.

oh wow, that is so great  heart

ecso wrote:

I love noise in recordings and I especially love hearing it right at the start of a track, before any actual music has played. Noise is imperfection and leading with imperfection feels vulnerable and intimate and quintessentially human.

Wonderful as always, friends. Looking forward to next week. heart

i like how you put that. definitely been pushing myself to be more vulnerable. appreciate you taking the time to listen!

miraclemiles wrote:

Lovely track, thank you for making and sharing this! Napear said it perfectly, just had to sit and listen and smile. Good feelz! So agree with just capturing in whatever way and just having fun. Perfection is not for every day, and gets in the way sometime. I love the dramatic lighting in the video.

thanks so much, and thank you for watching the video too!

mzunguko wrote:

really enjoyed this!


Don't we all.
- Spider

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