a complimentary piece to week 11's track, featuring the Century Guitars Clydesdale in DADGAD tuning - this time using the bridge pickup.
one main take - again i set up two mics (the Monoprice LR100 ribbon mic and this time i went with a Shure SM7B as the other mic instead of the Rode i used last week) on my Music Man HD130 2x12 combo amp. i also ran a DI straight in (with some processing in Reaper).
*different from last week - there is a simple accompanying guitar track also going throughout, panned to the left. this is just the chords held out to give the main melody some context.
i set up the track in sections... so one part has just the ribbon mic, another part has just the SM7B dynamic mic, and another part has just the DI.
*on section D — when the bridge/change comes in till the end — i have all three tracks going (one is centered and taking lead, and the other two are hard-panned opposite each other).
i labeled the sections in the upper right corner of the video, but this is how it was broken up:
A.) 00:00 - 00:48
B.) 00:49 - 01:36
C.) 01:37 - 02:00
D.) 02:01 - end (all 3 tracks)
if you feel like guessing, let me know which part (A, B, or C) you think is the DI signal and why you think so.
i'm not trying to "trick" anyone, but more just working on getting a clean DI sound that i'm happy with & that seems like it sounds right in the context of a track. i really like the sound of guitar (and bass) recorded direct, but a lot of times in the past i've treated DI guitar with a lot of processing. so yeah, just trying to expand my tool kit as it's not always possible or practical to record through an amplifier. 
hope spring is treating you well. thanks again for listening and sharing your feedback and the music you are making.