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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / jimmac's music / M8: Ambient Pause

M8: Ambient Pause

By jimmac on July 1, 2022 3:36 pm

Had a moment, went to the garden to record something, started raining, pushed some buttons, recorded some ambient. Recorded directly onto an iphone, edited in Blender.

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CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

Wow for some reason I did not think it is possible to make ambient with the M8 tracker. I don't know why I thought that, and I am glad to be disproven. Nice track! smile

I loved the tune when I heard it, then saw the video and that video intro is genuinely beautiful... Really love the reverbed highs and that plucked string "strum" of sorts. I love how spacious this is -- how much room there is for elements to breathe (2:56 moment of pause is awesome). Kinda want more jimmac ambient smile

Is that plucked for the strums? I need to grok that stupid instrument…

ilzxc wrote:

Is that plucked for the strums? I need to grok that stupid instrument…

Yes, macrosynth plucked. I don't grok anything, I'm just a simple slider fiddler.

Dark and lovely

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