Flight of the 'I Have No Idea What I'm Doing'
By Jai Cafarella on January 12, 2020 1:58 am
This track is just some riffage I wrote to get the ball rolling, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything on it's own, but the process of breaking through the crippling procrastination to record anything at all, and also attempting to complete it in a timely manner, is far more significant. So I guess the track itself kinda shares that same significance vicariously...? *shrug*
My creed for this challenge is "perfect doesn't exist", because I have let the mindset of "It won't be perfect, so why bother?" overrun my mind for far too long!
This is my first track for both WeeklyBeats and Presonus Studio One, so it's pretty safe and simple, but I'm hoping to improve as I go. I don't have a style plan as yet, but expect a mix of riffy rock tunes, acoustic singer/songwriter stuff, and maybe a little electronica. I'm glad to be a part of this personal challenge we're each taking on, all the best to us!
Big thanks to fellow WeeklyBeater Nyarlos for a quick master, and also for introducing me to WeeklyBeats, along with Ryan!
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