Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / hypnogram's music / Lavender Traveler

Lavender Traveler

By hypnogram on January 17, 2016 9:14 am

Written on two gameboys running LSDJ.

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Cool rhythm ! Nice wobble-bass and chiptune !!!

The progression at the end is great, FLIGHT & FIGHT MODE !!!

Hahaha.... oh yes.  Good fun track!  Really making that DMG talk mate!

Dirty, Choppy & Chirpy. Nice (source)panning!

Much enjoyed.

Eieieieiei! This is big fun. Especially the climax at the end.

said it once ill say it again, LOVE how you pull off a "egyption" feel to a lot of your tracks! keep it up bro heart

Geez, those halftime segments are teh sex. Overall this is just so great, awesome work. big_smile

Nice! Using 2xLSDJ to create a nice sense of space here. Good stuff.

Gameboy music... this is so COOL! Do you have any videos showing how this is done? And cool title big_smile big_smile

linkcable sync FTW, wav channel ba$$, v.tight track

Another great tune smile I love the pan work on this one. The little synth lead that  you added was probably my favorite part of the track.

Dig the use of panning and the whacky almost 8 bit dubstep break into a reggae! 

Podling wrote:

Gameboy music... this is so COOL! Do you have any videos showing how this is done? And cool title big_smile big_smile

Not precisely, but there are lots of resources on the subject, but here's what it looks like when I'm playing it somewhere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ali4hMMUEO4

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