One Day/Good Enough
By horatiuromantic on September 11, 2022 11:58 pm
One day you'll know the difference between good enough and perfect.
One day you'll understand the meaning of patience and listening.
Listening, for all around you there is something that you can learn.
You don't have to go too far.
One day you thought about leaving all this stuff behind...
One day.
Oh btw I should tell you about the tuning. It's a weird one, let's call it Drop B sus hold 2 (cause you have to hold 2 bottom strings on fret 2 for it to work) anyway it's top to bottom: D# B F# D A E and it's because I wanted to be able to play the x21000 chord as I heard it in my head, then I discovered more stuff I can do in the tuning. Lyrics improvised but connected to a post-it note I left on my desk saying "Good Enough" because I needed to work on a project but had analysis paralysis and this motivated me to just do stuff.
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