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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / hent03's music / At a loss for words

At a loss for words

By hent03 on February 26, 2022 2:00 pm

I felt like I was learning to play the guitar again. I had a vocal melody in my head but it was hard to sing and play at the same time. So that was my week, essentially; trying to hum and play. I didn't want to bother with lyrics so I didn't. I'm glad I got as far as I did, even if it's all a bit messy and I can't quite hold the melody line. I'll get there if I keep at it. I'm also glad for the jingle of my cat's collar right near the end; always subtly asserting her existence.

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I like the guitar work on this and it's nice to hear some vocals.  The humming works for me.  Honestly sometimes words aren't necessary.  I can relate to the cat making her presence known.  I don't know how many tracks I have that contain a stray woof or meow or collar jingle from one of my pets.  It's a lot, but I like it because I feel like they're contributing to the song.

Nice rumba like strumming on the guitar, including the palm strike. The humming works, one can apply the lyrics that they have in their own head. smile I like the guitar melody and the humming melody. Nice cat jingle too! Keep these guitar tracks coming! Mix them with the Deluge!

I don't think I ever just start singing lyrically without first putting down a template melody that has the feel I'm looking for. What you do with the humming is great and leaves room if you want to fill in the lines at a later time. What you have there, along with that discordant chord to spice up the track. Cat collar? Sounds like a free sample to add to your library. Chop it up and create a few percussion sounds out of it ha.

Lovely chords. I'm glad hearing your guitar again and the hum melody is so nice, it's soft and strong emotion. I agree Kedbreak, to more guitar and trying together to your other music smile

Lovely groove with the guitar and the palm strike, really great!

nice and soulful. this sounds very good in my ears.

Cool! I also have some of these type of recordings lying around, perhaps not as finished. guitar + humming makes for a nice genre smile

Lovely, subdued tune.

Really lovely

really nice, I enjoyed this

It is very nice, I didn't know you played guitar! Hello to the cat! Nice singing too. Don't need lyrics, just some human voice humming is quite nice!

Quite speechless with how beautiful it is

Really classy. Sounds great.

wait you play guitar, amazing!  yeah that riff sounds a little tricky to get vocals with it.  terrific though!!!!!  really impressed with your skill.

like others have said: i love the PALM STRIKE

genius track title, btw

Lyrics or no lyrics this had a wonderful melody and feel to it.  A soothing and calming approach with the hummed melody. Nice work!

Lovely little ditty going on and some cool extensions on the chords to spice it up.

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