Tonight, Friday April 3rd
7PM CDT USA time
Hope to see you there! / Forums / Posts by orangedrink
Tonight, Friday April 3rd
7PM CDT USA time
Hope to see you there!
This is my third year doing WB and I just realized I'm in the YEAR 3 MOTIVATION SLUMP
My last two tracks were finished on Friday and I got to enjoy a panic-free weekend, so that was awesome. Hope to continue that trend.
Im going to admit I dont really have anything yet this week! I dont want to waste peoples playtime but I dont know what I can make on short time like hours. Hopefully something okay.
WASTE MY TIME! ....if it sucks I just click forward anyway
222 vs. 225
Monthlybeats for me!
it's like coming back to school and seeing all your friends after break
- learn and apply some music theory
- more trumpet
- keep more detailed production notes
- learn Ozone for mastering
- get better at drums & recording drums
- learn more about Digitakt, mGB, Arturia Keystep, LSDJ, Nanoloop
- listen and leave comments consistently
- don't wait until the last minute [???]
Released an album this week that contains four tracks from my weekly beats material
Congrats! Also loving the record label name
It's really tough! I just have to set aside a time to say "OK this is WB commenting time" and do that while watching Street Fighter tournament footage on mute
Hah! This is great! Some real Peter Gabriel action here!
Also, I did the stand in place timelapse thing in the Badlands many years ago too!
Great minds think alike I guess!
Thanks so much! Of course Peter Gabriel was my #1 influence for the video. That video had a huge effect on me as a kid. Wow, your timelapse gif is awesome! I love how it "resets" - how long of a period of time was that??? Beautiful.
I love your take on a music video.
Hope to see some moreincredible lyrics, hits hard
I'ma gonna buy a T-Shirt lol (soon) (stand by)
Thank you man. I really appreciate the note on the lyrics; super personal about a really rough time in my life. But I nothing I can't get through with music
E-mail sent; we're going to get you a t-shirt my dear friend!!!!
This isn't for a WB track (apologies) but I finished a music video that I started work on FOUR YEARS ago! I also stood in place for one hour for the time lapse!
I don't think there is a way to do this, but I think you should start a thread here in the forum and post the URLs of all your favorites on a weekly basis.
...and I think you should call your list "The Swimm Team"