Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by Ipaghost
Topics by Ipaghost
Posts found: 33-48 of 58
Aday wrote:IN!! Again!
With controlled/realistic enthusiasm to really attempt to fill in EVERY week..!
I would definitely happily throw money at @Trash80's AWS invoice too. How do we even?
2012/2014 weeklybeats was real motivation for me and learned a lot, 2015 was way too quite and unproductive.
So, uh, Woo!~ 

I think the plan is to take your money gun, and shoot it at @trash80's gmail, unless we hear different from him! There are several services for this such as paypal google wallet, squarecash, venmo, bitcoin, etc. Also, I would gladly pay more $$ to see @names linking/notification user tag functionality on this site!
Hey! I submitted a remix for Machinedrum's competition, and it's a close race!
I need your votes!!!
Please help a WeeklyBeater out and vote for me!
I promise to do the same for you whenever you need!
Follow the link and hit the play button first, then hit vote or else it doesn't count!
Thanks! I look forward to spending WB2016 with you all!
Vote like bacon is on the line!

vinpous wrote:Ipaghost wrote:Without knowing the amount of traffic WB, it's hard to guesstimate how much it costs for hosting, but I doubt finding the money to run the site would be difficult from donations or even minimal membership fees. Even the bulk of hosting could be done off site via services like soundcloud and youtube which would make costs completely negligible. Either way, Tim doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't know how to find the proper resources if he is motivated! So let's motivate him people!

(This is the first badger of many until wb2016 is announced!)
Trash80 was accepting donations last time. I think there's a thread about it somewhere.
The site uses AWS, so the hosting requirement/cost grows with use. I reckon that if everybody who was keen emailed Trash80 and chipped in US$20, it might be a goer?
I think that is more than reasonable. I'd be happy to pay for WB, it's done more for my music than any piece of equipment I own! If only Trash80 would take our money! Can't find that thread about donations, so I'm just going to send a PayPal deposit to his email as soon as this cat lets me.

Devieus wrote:Mr Mort wrote:If this site doesnt happen can someone start a group somewhere else and let everyone know? Im down to help but dont know nothing about site management.
The site runs on money, so if you want to help, money will do it.
Without knowing the amount of traffic WB, it's hard to guesstimate how much it costs for hosting, but I doubt finding the money to run the site would be difficult from donations or even minimal membership fees. Even the bulk of hosting could be done off site via services like soundcloud and youtube which would make costs completely negligible. Either way, Tim doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't know how to find the proper resources if he is motivated! So let's motivate him people!

(This is the first badger of many until wb2016 is announced!)
Hey guys! Talked to Phil Harmonic last night. He suggested that Trash80 might need some convincing to bring WB back! So, send him a message and tell him what WB means to you! I'm pretty sure you can guess his gmail address.

paul raygun wrote:I'm ready!!!!!
Although no news this late into the year. Not looking like it'll happen.
Hopefully that's not the case, 2014 was announced on Dec 22. Either way, I plan on doing at least a song a week next year. I would rather do it with you guys!

My music is almost nonexistent without WB. Will there be a WB2016?
Miss you guys!

P.S. Think of all the GIFs awaiting you next year!

colorful grey wrote:Ipaghost wrote:Awww yisss!
Hey um... @ipaghost... not to single you out or something but you might be a great candidate for a visual "aesthetic" as @vinpous mentioned above... you're not busy right?? :-)
Uh, ok! Should I make matching gifs too?

Mr Mort wrote:Salut you filthy animals. It was a pleasure to have taken such a perilous journey. Ive seen and heard the improvements in sound, quality, composition and creativity from all of you. I hope this isnt the end for us!
We should all keep in touch or make a comp album with everyone that wants to be on it!
Whos downsies?
Awww yisss!
brian botkiller wrote:jiffypop23 wrote:Huge congrats to: Pyronetiks/GDD, tiasu, Phil Harmonic, spry, vinpous, sinewave, Neil Carnegie, Brackleforth, (and myself :3)
who uploaded a track every week in both 2012 and 2014!~
edit: (check stats thread for more info and graphs)
Also for those interested, a WB2014 shirt! (it's on my shop but I get $0 from it, just fyi)

Yes please. It would be sweet if you put "52/52" on the back in the WB font 
Damn, I already ordered mine! >.<
jiffypop23 wrote:Huge congrats to: Pyronetiks/GDD, tiasu, Phil Harmonic, spry, vinpous, sinewave, Neil Carnegie, Brackleforth, (and myself :3)
who uploaded a track every week in both 2012 and 2014!~
edit: (check stats thread for more info and graphs)
Also for those interested, a WB2014 shirt! (it's on my shop but I get $0 from it, just fyi)

You better believe I'll get one of these!

52/52 ...And only by the good graces of Phil Harmonic!
Thanks so much for WB and everyone here who participated! WB is probably the best thing that has ever happened to my music, and easily the best music community I've ever been a part of! You guys are all super talented and helpful, and got me back into making music again. I really enjoyed being able to try new sounds, develop new techniques, getting great feedback, and of course all of your inspiration! Not to mention I seem to work better with deadlines!
I would totally help out if you guys want to do one 2015, I'm sure we can find resources if that is what is needed.
Keep in touch everyone! Add me on facebook, fb page, or soundcloud or whatever kids use these days, I'm 'ipaghost' everywhere.
Also, we do Ironchef of Music on a sporadic schedule, it's only a 2 hour commitment, so sign up if you want to hear about future chefs!
You guys are awesome! Keep it up!

onezero wrote:My kids expressed some alarm and disappointment that I might not be doing a new song each week in 2015. And aside from people not always commenting, the community seems pretty strong here.
While the commenting has fallen off a bit towards the end of the year, I still have to say the WeeklyBeats community is much more verbose than what I've seen in most of the music world. It's pretty dead out there.
Posts found: 33-48 of 58