(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm glad I signed up for this, because being in the "real world" has done a serious number on my musical aspirations. Challenging myself to write something new every week, and having a community of people to share it with has been incredibly rewarding, and personally satisfying, and it's pushing me to try harder to get my music out there in the world.

This has been a great opportunity for me to finish the literally hundreds of 10-second ideas I never did anything with over the last however many years, but I kind of want to not rely on that and get out of my comfort zone more often for this thing.

Like 3 or so weeks ago I got my first mics, and I've been dying to record some electric guitar and do a kind of Queens of the Stone Age / Eagles of Death Metal kind of thing, but every day I get home from work and I'm just like "ugghhhh no i'm gonna play borderlands 2 until midnight."

I swear I'm going to get around to listening to more tracks this week. I've been pretty awful about that, and I don't wanna be that guy.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Definitely recommend Caustic for a good mobile scratch pad (it can export MIDI!)
And definitely recommend staying away from the FL Mobile app, it's a disaster.


(9 replies, posted in Site Help)

An edit feature would be nice, too.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sinewave wrote:

I'm on a mission to wipe 0 comments off the face of this earth. Even that is a daunting task....join me!

That's what I was doing earlier today, actually! Sort by Replies, Ascending, Go. It's tough always having something to say, though. I mean there's so much fantastic material on here, and some of it is really easy to comment on, like something will stand out, or remind you of something/someone/somewhere, but others ... others are just fantastic and there's nothing more to say. But you gotta say something, though, you know? Otherwise it looks like nobody even listened. :x


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Man, I got my submission in with 1 hour and 1 minute remaining, I was getting really nervous for a bit there. Hope I get in to the swing of things for the coming weeks.