You can do it guys I believe in you !
98 June 11, 2012 3:50 am
Topic: How to equalize a group of MP3s ? (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hiya, I was wondering if there is a way to take a group of MP3s and make their volumes match. Maybe with Audacity?
I was going to make a collection of my better entries for the first half of the year.
99 May 14, 2012 4:02 pm
Re: Week 20 Theme? (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
electro ragtime
100 April 10, 2012 5:46 pm
Re: Statistics as of Week 14 (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Thanks for doing the stats, xandox.
101 March 31, 2012 5:55 pm
Re: First World Whinges (305 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I am sad because 5'2"
102 March 25, 2012 4:09 pm
Re: Week 13 Theme - Lazersaurus Battle Derby (66 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I imagine it would sound like the excite truck theme from smash bros. brawl
103 January 28, 2012 8:19 pm
Re: ITT we hint at our songs for next week (501 replies, posted in General Discussion)
5/4 time