Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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Topics by fc
Posts found: 145-160 of 330
Tristan Louth-Robins wrote:f.n: yesterday was the city's hottest Feb day on record. All sorts of records have been broken this year, which is a bit depressing if (like me) you believe that climate change is a thing.
What's depressing is that it's only the 3rd of Feb and we're already smashing records all around the place. Disturbing.
synclab: it's completely optional. It's just something to opt-in to if you want, when you want. 
Exactly! I don't use the cake thing. I just say exactly that: "you can't have it both ways."
But then my intention would be to give it to someone else and not eat it. Or to eat half and give half. I dunno, I'm not convinced it's a sound analogy (poetic or not) for anything at all.
Of course you can't. The analogy falls apart with the implication that the purpose of cake is indeed to NOT eat it. What the hell else am I going to do with a cake?
It makes no sense. I did read that (see OP).
Unless you work with words, music is incapable of transmitting a message or meaning.
Edmund Snyder wrote:It basically means that you can only eat a cake once because once you've eaten it it will be gone. Still kinda silly, but it's supposed to be a metaphor. Supposedly, it's more poetic than saying, "if you spend your money on junk today, you won't have it to pay your phone bill next week."
It's a terrible metaphor really. The whole purpose of cake is to eat (or, as Nathan points out, to decorate). I imagine an ornamental cake would start to smell bad after a couple of months.
Poetics are fine, but some grounding in reality would be nice, like your junk analogy.
DataJanitor wrote:It's like putting food on credit. The bill comes a month later, but you already shat it out weeks ago.
Best analogy.
I'm not sure where this saying comes from, though Wiki tells me the UK. But it makes no damn sense. Even if taken as originally intended ("You can't keep your cake and eat it"/"You can't eat your cake and keep it") it's completely illogical, or at least impractical. Why would you want to KEEP a cake, but not eat it? Isn't the point of having a cake to eat it? Maybe not the whole thing, you're probably going to share it around or whatever. But really, what are you going to do with a stale/off cake?
Seriously, proverbs, you can do better...
Music/sound/research is my day job, and my partner's. Works out pretty solidly.
It seems like it would be a form of compound time (say, 13/8) but you have an irrational tuplet as the bottom number. 13/13:8, for instance. But then you'd just be better of writing 13/8 and employing the irrational tuplets.
What's the notated form of a 13th (or 14th) note? Just out of curiosity.
To be fair, BitWig has been in private beta for about two years now. I reckon the initial release will be pretty solid.
Just gonna point people to my week 4 for no 4/4, plus dense semi-rational tuplets 
I have to disagree. At least somewhat. I mean sure, when that "inspired moment" strikes, ride it. But the rest of the time, just work. Always think about music, study it, learn about it, etc. The more broad your skillset and interest in music the easier it is to just create. To be a really good guitarist (or whatever) you should be practicing 3-4 hours a day, every day (or whatever the latest number is), the same is true of writing music. You need to - at the very least- be actively engaged with music for a couple of hours a day, every day. Then you don't need to wait for the inspiration, you just create.
Or something...
Posts found: 145-160 of 330