
Same old story uploading Sunday nights from my crappy mobile link. My upload stalled twice this time. I tried pressing submit before the mp3 was completely uploaded, but nothing happened.

Tried again. Week 16 went online but my file isn't listed. Could I reupload, please?

Thanks in advance

Many thanks for the quick response, Phil!!!

Hello Y'all!!!

I'm uploading this one (Week 15) over a mobile internet connection. Stalled a couple of times, posted near the deadline, but the form got frozen on 100%. Reloaded, but no song uploaded

Could I have a link to submit this week's stuff, please?

Thanks in advance smile

I mean my track for this present week: WEEK 14 (Silver sky over Oslo)... The samplerate is messed up so it plays at tice the speed.

Thanks in advance!

Hi! My track is online but I really need to upload. Maybe I messed up with the sample rate but the file is at twice the speed, so I've got some weird high pitched ultra fast track! Can I reupload?


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welcome everybody! Alguien de España?

Really appreciatted. Thx!

I just got back home from the airport. Missed the deadline for a couple of hours. Can I upload my week 34 effort. please?.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would love to collaborate if you dig my style! It's a great learning experience

Thank you!

I've just messed week 26... 3 uploads until it was the limit time (2:00 AM here in Spain)... then I realised my file was 17.2 megabytes... that's why the rejection.

Could I upload the shinked version (11 megs)?

Really appreciated! Thank you very much!

Hey! Thank you, thank you! I saw the reply, which I missed (so lame, again). 23 and 18 had been uploaded now smile

My only one missing is 7. If is possible, this would be great

Thanks again!

Hello, Dear Administrators..

Last night I've suffered another lovely 3G/mobile internet error and wasn't able to post after two incomplete uploads. Same thing happened to me at week 18... in week 7 I just simply forgot to press the "submit" button (lame!)

Could I possibly upload those? I've asked a couple of times before and no response

I wasn't within a decent 3G coverage last sunday, so I missed week #18

And I had a similar problem with week #11, trying numerous reuploads and saving the post, but nothing published. (I already asked about this one on other forums threads)

Thanks for implementing this!

It's a collaboration: a song composed by a guitarrist friend of mine, completely original work, credited and published as creative commons. I did mostly engineering and producing task, as I clearly stated in the description, along with him.

I would like to know if it's been taken down or simply it's some upload error. Seems that there's no direct way to contact Weeklybeat's admins.