(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh hell no. Looks like im going to have to be a part of thia >:3


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i fele this thread is evidence enough that the people would like to do this again 8)

As far as donations go, i got 5 on it


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

EDIT IM pretty sure those4 of us who really want to will donate some monies


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

why cant someone pay for it and just have him do it? IDK how this shit works, but lets get the fucking ball rolling >:3


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dead up in this bitch lol

miss this. was fucking fun


(105 replies, posted in General Discussion)

george bowles wrote:

yeah some kind of page to hang out on after this is done would be really cool... whether it's a facebook group or whatever. plenty of other sites to upload stuff to.

i joined, so you guys can e stalk me lol


(105 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This was a great thing. I learned more than I thought I would. I still suck giant balls, but at least I got a lot out of this big_smile

You guys are great. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit all year XD

Poppi wrote:
phesago wrote:

Youre welcome! Glad I could help lol heart

Indeed. I don't know where I would be without people such as yourself to set me straight...

Prolly on internet forums... LOL

Poppi wrote:
phesago wrote:

You're a total buzzkill. Sometimes I feel you leak negativity naturally. While I may be crass and slightly stupid, you are the biggest downer. Lighten  up, you'll have more fun that way heart

A shirt would be cool, but not necessary.

Thanks Phesago, you're so so right. About everything.

Youre welcome! Glad I could help lol heart

Poppi wrote:

Why would I want a shirt with a bunch of other people's names on it? No, I will not suck it up. Lets talk about exclusivity (and other such bs), I want my shirt to read: WeeklyHeadfuck.

Also, I have no idea who/what Tomoko is.

You're a total buzzkill. Sometimes I feel you leak negativity naturally. While I may be crass and slightly stupid, you are the biggest downer. Lighten  up, you'll have more fun that way heart

Phil Harmonic wrote:

To be honest though, I could live without a shirt (no jokes plz).

A shirt would be cool, but not necessary.

Phil Harmonic wrote:
cTrix wrote:

That's what I was planning on making for the party here in AU :-)

what about us fucks that arent in AU!?

Ever hear the term "fucked" or "tough shit"? Those pop to mind.... LOL jk heart


I'd fuck me if i saw me wearing that shirt O_o


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think that means we have to do it right? Who wants to organize it? And whats the buy in?

*this might be a forced post by my dearest Ashley*


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jiffypop23 wrote:

I vote this be put on the Team 27 shirts:

My wife thought this was hilarious. She also said she'd make me wear it if it was on a t shirt, lol

I'd love them to prove that you actually got that esprosion sound from that particular video to be honest.