Anyone interested in hearing the LSDJ wav synth cloned in piggytracker? Cuz that'll be week 5 for me.

Yeah, another vote for FL here. I wrote and recorded an entire album with it way back in versions 4 then 5. I also play guitar, bass and sing; and don't know my way around a keyboard very well. I had no problems recording live instruments into FL. Of course, about 2 years ago I abandoned it and moved on to Reaper as a deliberate decision to change my musical workflow, but I can say that every single week in 2012, I've thought "why aren't I doing this in FL? It would be so much easier!" Truth.

I got a new guitar and it shit out a song as soon as I started playing it. The facepalm didn't come until I had to wrestle with the piggy to sync up guitar and vocals to its backing track.