
Hi hi! I just noticed that my Week 28 uploaded as silence... Is it possible for me to reupload it? :-(

Melbourne, Australia

Yo! I just posted the upload link to your week 28 comments.

Youll need to delete that track and use the link provided. Link is also valid for 48 hours.cheers smile


Hi! My week 14 submission is just a snippet of the track. Maybe I uploaded before my export was finished, I dunno. Is it possible to re-upload the full version?

Last edited by KANELDIGITAL (April 6, 2020 12:36 pm)

Melbourne, Australia

Hi! My week 14 submission is just a snippet of the track. Maybe I uploaded before my export was finished, I dunno. Is it possible to re-upload the full version?

Hey Yo,
You'll need to delete Week14 first -> and then use this link, … 524484fa57 -> Links valid for 48hours,



Thanks - found the other thread - got double help!!!


Hi! I have two stupid questions:
Some time ago I have lost my previous account and mail through which I registered. However, a couple months ago I was able to find file with login data. And now the questions itself, can I upload tracks to both accounts (completely different, not the same) and change mail on the old one(if possible)?
(Hope I can ask these questions here and I will not be executed)


Hi! Would it be ok if I post a finished composition here for this challenge, but later I want to extend it as a personal project? It won't be posted here of course.

Wisconsin, USA
indeterminant wrote:

Hi! Would it be ok if I post a finished composition here for this challenge, but later I want to extend it as a personal project? It won't be posted here of course.

Definitely!  No real rules about what you can and can't do with your work.

...but be sure to post what new thing you do with it so we can hear it!

Sacramento, CA

Who started / runs this site? Do they have a profile that is participating this year?

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Never mind this post, moved to the appropriate forum section.

Last edited by mana (February 1, 2022 1:13 am)


I screwed up and use an email address that I don't have easy access to. I couldn't find a way to change it, is there?

Detroit Michigan

Some people are saying they can't hear my 2nd week submission. I also cannot hear it if I use Chrome on my computer, but it worked in Safari and on my Chrome phone app. Any ideas on why that might be the case?


I've already uploaded for the week but put up the wrong mix version.  If I delete what's there will I be able to reupload?  Before the weekly deadline?


Have a question I was expecting to find the answer to in the FAQ. I assume since it's not there, we're all adults and it's okay but also wanted to check.

I'm drafting some lyrics (not released in song yet) that I personally think are hilarious and laughing my ass off, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate for an upload here and wanted to check what the rules are.

I would expect something toxic and hate speech to possibly be not allowed, and imo I'm not even close to that category and have no intentions of putting out that kind of content.

It's roughly Simpsons / local comedy club level of NSFW. There's trigger topics. There's shock humor. There's social commentary humor at others' expense. There's political commentary humor. So safe at a lot of works but not all and not something you'd want to play randomly at a fine dining event with your spouse's parents you're just meeting, or maybe you would if you want to get to know them wink.

However, the satire could be misconstrued as hate speech, such as someone quoting the Simpsons out of context and missing the actual commentary. For example, facebook highlighting the word "Nazi" as hatespeech even if it were satire and educational is the type of consequence I'm afraid of as I really like this community so far and don't want to get banned.

Thanks for the information. Either answer is okay for me! I can also produce the song with modified lyrics for the WeeklyBeats version as a compromise that would still work great for me.

Last edited by frogcity (February 26, 2024 3:31 am)

Wisconsin, USA
Drum Bender wrote:

Who started / runs this site? Do they have a profile that is participating this year?

UnSonore wrote:

I screwed up and use an email address that I don't have easy access to. I couldn't find a way to change it, is there?

If you are on the Discord, you can message a moderator there.  If you are not, let me know and I can connect you with someone.

bothelbows wrote:

I've already uploaded for the week but put up the wrong mix version.  If I delete what's there will I be able to reupload?  Before the weekly deadline?


frogcity wrote:

Have a question I was expecting to find the answer to in the FAQ. I assume since it's not there, we're all adults and it's okay but also wanted to check..

I’m not a site moderator, so don’t quote me on this but I don’t think there is a specific rule about lyrical content.  Probably putting a content warning in your description might be helpful.

London, UK

hey, for some reason i don’t see the song i submitted last week (last night). any idea?