
I know in the past there have been threads for theme weeks (non-mandatory of course), figured we could use a fresh one for 2016.

WEEK 4: Deep Transmissions: Write space music using (if you want) this archive of royalty free audio from NASA. Tag submissions with WT01.

So use this thread to get in cahoots and figure out what weeks should have what themes and whatever. I'm not gonna be the commissioner or anything but I'll try to keep the first post updated.

Maybe the last week of every month (or just every 4th, cause it started a bit late this year) could be theme week?

Also we should get a tag system going so people can listen to all the themed entries at once. Like WTXX (xx is week number, 01-12) (I figured this was obvious but just in case)

Last edited by Saskrotch (January 23, 2016 10:05 pm)


Also I'm gonna throw in a suggestion for the first theme week: SPACE

Pretty obvious, BUT, NASA released a huge audio collection recently, anyone can use it for noncommercial work.

Indiana, USA

I like the sound of this and fully support the first suggested theme.


yeah the themes were a lot of fun last time!


Ah yes, space, it's a theme every year. I guess it just never really goes away, considering space is so big. Songs are already sorted by week, go to the front page and click on a week to get all the songs of that week (there's only one now, but trust me, it works). Also, historically, only about 10-20% of people actually adhere to the theme; still, there already is a tag system, so every song adhering to the theme could add some specific tag to their song.


hah yeah, a space/cosmic theme is something that I have to try hard *not* to adhere to big_smile

I'd love to try something similar to this 'battle' I missed out on over at the OP-1 forum: … pancake/p1

Last edited by 0F (January 16, 2016 1:51 pm)

Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Space is easy... it's mostly just a whole lot of silence. (They can't even hear you scream!)

Santa Fe, NM
Edmund Snyder wrote:

Space is easy... it's mostly just a whole lot of silence. (They can't even hear you scream!)

Points to you!

St Louis
hypnogram wrote:

I like the sound of this and fully support the first suggested theme.

me too, and once a month sounds ideal

Last edited by george bowles (January 17, 2016 8:17 am)


Okay thread updated, week 4 is WT01, Deep Transmissions, using this royalty free archive of NASA recordings


this is a really, really cool idea.

Bristol, UK

gosh darn it, I did a deep space theme this week just for shits.. I don't wanna go out there again! Its cold!

Adelaide, Australia

I may or may not have used something from that collection in my week 2 track. tongue


This sounds great! Just bought a new sampler too so it'll be fun to experiment!

Bowling Green, KY USA

Nice idea! I'm in on this one.

St Louis

i'm in