punk ville

I was really inspired by weekly beats this past year that I wanted apply the same kind of streak idea to drawing in 2015. Being a web developer I decided to build a website to let anyone host events like this. It's conceptually very similar to weekly beats, there are deadlines, and start and stop dates. Each week (or day) you have to submit something and you get a little box on the site filled in. You can comment on other people's submissions as well.

You can find it here:

Here's the drawing streak I've been doing in January with a few people I invited:, and here's a 365 day one: that starts in a few days.

I would love for any feedback, or to have some of the people here try using it. It looks like someone already created a weekly music streak here:

I currently don't have an on-site music player, so you'd have to download or link soundcloud, but I'll probably have something pretty soon.


Portland, OR

Wow, this is actually a genius idea. I'm a little surprised no one has thought to build this site before.

I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself now that WB is over, and I bet that setting up something at your site will be that thing. Thanks!!

Coastal Australia

Cool site actually.  I'm having a break this year for bigger projects though.  And just a break from the weekly thing.  I still do just as much creating, I'm just not uploading it every week.  hehe.

Might do something on the site in the future.