I know for a fact that alot of you really know how to mix a track. So it strikes me that you might know of a decent, realtime spectrum analyzer. Only demand is that it's VST or AU.
Any ideas?
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I know for a fact that alot of you really know how to mix a track. So it strikes me that you might know of a decent, realtime spectrum analyzer. Only demand is that it's VST or AU.
Any ideas?
Logic has one too, though I've never used it.
/useless post.
Ableton has one as well. Which DAW are you using?
The BlueCat FreqAnalyst looks good.
Ableton has one as well. Which DAW are you using?
The BlueCat FreqAnalyst looks good.
hmm. is it possible to get logarithmic output on that.. or is it linear plot only?
@obscure robot: I'm using audiomulch at the moment, so i can use VST or AU. BlueCat was one of the ones I was curious about. @vinpous: I have logic, I'll check out that one day. @Phil - The whole ozone package looks pretty good.
One thing I like about the apple stuff (logic, soundtrack, etc) is the huge amount of presets available in the various effects = great when you only have a week...! Don't think the freq analyzer is available outside of logic though unlike many of the effects.
Smartelectronix Freakoscope is good, http://mdsp.smartelectronix.com/freakoscope/
Its free on Smartelectronix but I first learned about it from "Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook", since its included on the example cd.
I find the one in Logic to be quite good but yes, it's only available in Logic.
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