oh i didn't realize we could do this. i forgot to hit submit on my track after it finished uploading and the deadline passed, does that qualify?
Parallelis this link will work for the next 48 hours - http://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?has … 60cef4dd8f
Okay, so this is kinda sorta embarrassing, but I'd like to request another download link for this week as well...
I did finish within maybe two minutes of the deadline, but my Internet decided to go kaputz on me yet again. If you could spare another link that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry, here's the thingy-ma-bob you asked for.
Week 22: Punchy Pinkie
<:/ Sorry for being pushy about this, but I'd really appreciate it if I could get an upload link. Again, thanks!
<:/ Sorry for being pushy about this, but I'd really appreciate it if I could get an upload link. Again, thanks!
here's a link for week 22
http://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?has … 624a85c7bb
Okay, so I am just fuming right now. I had this piece done thirty minutes ahead of time, realized the mp3 actually botches up on any online player because the kicks mess up, and almost re-uploaded it on time only to be interrupted by a WMM process I had initiated earlier. I JUST
If I could get a link relatively soon that would be awesome. Thanks.
Week 24: Birthday Boy/Girl
Last edited by Jetkick (June 18, 2012 12:08 am)
Thank you so much. One and a half hours of damage control later, and here's the finished product.
It's always me, isn't it?
So I had exported the .mp3 too large a few minutes before deadline. An upload link would be greatly appreciated.
Week 27: Starshowers/Liftoff
There you go Jetkick!
hmm. thought we weren't gonna allow jetkick to get away with this shenanigans anymore
i need an adult
I'm putting my hand up. After nursing my youngest (dog) all weekend, I've decided I'd make a fabulous parent.
¡ALSO! you need an upload link.