Post the DAW you use!
I use FL Studio.
4th year producing - I've been producing since I was 12 years old.
Last edited by Zooloo75 (March 5, 2012 1:56 pm) / Forums / General Discussion / Which DAW do you use, and how long have you been producing?
Post the DAW you use!
I use FL Studio.
4th year producing - I've been producing since I was 12 years old.
Last edited by Zooloo75 (March 5, 2012 1:56 pm)
Ardour on linux + LSDJ - LGPT - Nanoloop on handhelds
Ardour on linux + LSDJ - LGPT - Nanoloop on handhelds
FL Studio since I was 12 as well. I remember when I first found out about it. I freaked out and did basically nothing besides music for like a week.
Been using Logic Pro for a year and a half... started when I was 17. Thinkin of switching to Reason though
Last edited by EuphoricNoise (March 5, 2012 3:58 pm)
Currently: FL Studio mainly, but I installed FreeBSD last night so soon enough it'll be LMMS, Ardour, and QTractor.
My first DAW was FL Studio 6, I was a freshman in high school. '05-'06ish.
Fl studio for me too. Started back when it was still called fruityloops
Ableton Live for maany years. FL was the first thing for me too.
I've used A LOT of DAWs over the last few years, currently using Reaper(2 years) and Reaktor (4 years)
Very comfortable with LSDJ and LGPT 3 or 4 years on both. Renoise is my main tool, been dabbling for ages but it has been my weapon of choice for about 6 months.
Very comfortable with LSDJ and LGPT 3 or 4 years on both. Renoise is my main tool, been dabbling for ages but it has been my weapon of choice for about 6 months.
reason for 7 or 8 years. been using ableton since then too, but only as a production tool for the past 2 years or so
I use mainly Logic Studio, but it really depends what I'm doing. Have been using it for about 3 years. Prior to that I used Sony ACID for about 5 years and Reaper for about a year. I think the first one I used was Sound Forge way back around 2002.
I also have been trying to get into Ableton Live, which should be doubly good when I get Max 6...
I don't always work with a DAW, but when I do I use Ableton. Or sometimes Logic.
Last edited by Obscure Robot (March 6, 2012 4:59 am)
I should also point out that a great deal of what I do day-to-day is with pencil or pen and manuscript paper, sketching paper and when it's time for software, Sibelius.