Vincent Giles - Bird Concerto for Sea Lions
By fc on February 17, 2012 1:25 am
So this is something I haven't done on WB yet, immersive sound environments using found sounds. I am not usually one to use explicit imagery to explain a piece that I've written, I usually consider this the audience's job. However, in this case, the piece is kind of like musical escapism for the imagination. Imagine if you would, a cold river inlet between some large, snow-capped mountains. Imagine that you're sitting there without the wildlife noticing you, and imagine the natural, orchestral interaction of sounds that surround you in that environment. For anyone who has spent any time in serious forest will know the feeling of simply listening to the music of the environment. The reason it's escapism for imagination is that I can't think of anywhere on the planet where Australian rainforest birds, seagulls and sealions would all be found in the one river inlet between some snow-capped mountains. But in any case, enjoy the experience.
Thanks to the following users on (Creative Commons licenses) for their field recordings:
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CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)