spring sunrise
By emily on May 4, 2024 2:10 pm
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / emily's music / spring sunrise
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Really great sounds and movement in this piece. Absolutely perfect ode to spring
Lovely timbres and colors in play here. Perfect track for a garden nap or meditation!
Calming, peaceful, but also full of the feeling of new growth and the world re-awakening after a long winter.
I can feel the warmth of the sun immediately. *sits on a bench outside* Your vocals in this take me to some M83 vibes but so much calmer and soothing. Springtime meditations. Thank you for this escape. ps love the picture that fits the outro
Beautiful buildup. Are there reverse layers in there as well? Very nice atmosphere, and the mix of pads and foleys is masterful.
Wonderfully relaxing. But the birds in your spring sunrise must be a calmer kind, here they start such an orchestra of excited singing that they often wake me up at 3am 😅 or maybe you just mixed it really well, blending in the birdsong for a calmer whole. Well done. 😎
Love the birds! Such great textures going on here, really feels like the magic of something as spectacular as a sunrise (which I often take for granted).
Greetings from Pittsburgh where I'm spending the next two weeks!
I like the track. The chill is strong in this one, and the field recording is splendid.
Quite serene, and yet, something's not quite right in this scene.
- Raioh