Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

La nausée!

By djippy on July 28, 2024 11:53 pm

Tracked drums early this week and some acoustic guitars...

Didn't touch anything before 1 hour before the deadline. Pretty shitty week as I am shitting A LOT having gastroenteritis...

So this track is about that. kind of.


Très Punk, j'aime beaucoup ! Je sais pas pourquoi mais avec ta voix fait un peu penser à plastic bertrand.

Sick drums, glad you managed to fart this one out
- Ebrit

T'as fait la batterie avec une main cassee? Bravo!
Argh la gastro c'est horrible. C'est comme avoir une gueule de bois sans avoir eu le cote fun de l'alcool. Bon retablissement mais merci pour ce morceau bien punk!

Awesome energy filled drums that bounce with the guitars. Hope you feel better soon!

Oh this is fuckin' great. LETS GO!
Brings me back to 90s garage punk in the best possible way.
Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!

I love it!!  Downloading now!


ScanianWolf wrote:

Très Punk, j'aime beaucoup ! Je sais pas pourquoi mais avec ta voix fait un peu penser à plastic bertrand.

Ca plane pour moi!!!


Devieus wrote:

Sick drums, glad you managed to fart this one out
- Ebrit

Yeah! Started when I was feeling fine, the sickness did give me the idea for the lyrics so...

Kedbreak136 wrote:

T'as fait la batterie avec une main cassee? Bravo!
Argh la gastro c'est horrible. C'est comme avoir une gueule de bois sans avoir eu le cote fun de l'alcool. Bon retablissement mais merci pour ce morceau bien punk!

Oui J'ai pas joué trop longtemps, pas frappé tant fort de la main droite non plus donc ca a bien passé! La main va de mieux en mieux.

Tant mieux si la pièce t'as plus, j'ai quand même baclé pas mal les back vocals, mais pour le reste ca rock pas si mal! smile

Tone Matrix wrote:

Awesome energy filled drums that bounce with the guitars. Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks! I see you are doing more and more collabs, we should aim for one! I am getting good slowly, hand is getting stronger, digestive system still shaky but in the right direction...

BarristerPlong wrote:

Oh this is fuckin' great. LETS GO!
Brings me back to 90s garage punk in the best possible way.
Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!

Let's GOOOO!
Yeah, I lived my teenage years in the 90's so this is part of me. smile I was one of those punk sk8 guys.

Cow Tools wrote:

I love it!!  Downloading now!

Thanks a lot!

jwh wrote:



Thanks all to still listen - comment music at this time of the year!

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