Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / djippy's music / Gaspard dans l'garage

Gaspard dans l'garage

By djippy on August 25, 2024 10:01 pm

Gaspard is my 7 years old, he wanted to do some music with me this PM. I did open tune one of my guitars some D chord, put a drum backing track on his headphone and did play along with him on the acoustic drums.

He didn't last too long but it was fun anyway, I did then add a cool preset midi clip of synth bass. Then added another pass of electric guitar with the same guitar open tuned. No edits at all and listening to the track now, if I'd like to be cohesive, I should do quite a bit, but it is what it is!

added tons of crunch-distortion everywhere and VOILÀ!!!

Hope you can enjoy this messy draft. It was recorded, mixed, finished this week!!! I was on vacation for 2 weeks, back on work tomorrow... sad

This is life. I have (mostly) a good one, so it is all right.

Take care all!

Dude I love it as is. It captures that reality of just having fun jamming.

My kids are 9. When Jack was maybe 3-4, he started building huge piles of stuff from the kitchen like a drum set. Somehow that escalated into the second hand Roland electric kit we've got. Him and his sister don't have the patience for putting a ton of time on it, but every once in a while they just want to go make tunes. Warms my heart.

These jams def make me miss those type of get togethers with my music buddies back in college.  Takes me back to the warehouse/garage vibes of hanging out.  \m/

Music with kids! Awesome. This is a captured moment. Love how raw and real this is. I’m with jbarket - this is perfect as it is.

hell yeah, go Gaspard!!

i always loved recording w/ my kiddos when they were little. we got some gems recorded, but i wish there were more.

this was a fun trip  \m/

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