Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By ddmm64 on September 15, 2024 11:55 pm

Hectic week. So I felt like making something a bit more tranquil for a change. Reached for my JD08 to get some 90s warm pads and ended using it for all parts except the drums, which are sampled from the LXR02. Arranged on M8.

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CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

Tranquil is the perfect word for this one. It's warm and pleasant, the kind of track I just want to wrap myself in and nap without a care in the world. Plus I really like the percussion sounds you chose.

yeah, this is the stuff
thank you

We both went for calmer tunes this week but yours is more meditative and, dare I say, ambivalent emotionally. In a movie it could successfully soundtrack a cathartic scene, as well as a downer scene.

You also (almost) went with one sound source, like me this week. What's great about this is the cohesion it allows. The different timbres compliment each other well!

Two thumbs up!

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