Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Cursory's music / This Dark Forest

This Dark Forest

By Cursory on June 16, 2024 11:05 pm

Happy Week 24! This song came from an idea posed in the Three Body Problem series, and is named after the second book. Some spoilery thoughts below if interested but I recommend reading the series if you haven’t and you’re a sci-fi fan. Or watch the show.

Definitely leaned into sloppy and weird since this was a pretty simple song. Weird panned finger drum parts, acoustic guitars through an amp sim, 3 (also amped) vocal takes that weren’t recorded with the mindset of multi-tracking but were eventually layered. The slide guitar was one improvised take, which was then a huge pain to try to double with any accuracy so I definitely threw in the towel towards the end. Hopefully some fun and whimsy comes through.

› Lyrics

› Three Body Problem Spoilers

Neat concept! Haven't read the books yet (so I skipped the spoiler tag for now), but I hear good things so it sounds like I'll have to give them a shot. Haven't seen the show either, so I'm not familiar with the music direction, but I bet this track could be the backbone of a stellar montage collecting the best bits of the show. heart I dig your songwriting style anyway, so I'm biased, but I think any storyteller would be lucky to have you lending your music to their project.

Enjoyed the books a while back - this is not what I expected but I love this take smile. Why can't we just get along with our trisolaran friends? The earthers should've tried broadcasting a nice catchy song like this into space.

love how to vocals kind of slide around like the guitar. Excellent bass work. Great doubled vocals. Love this one! Favoriting!

Such nice work here.

I watched the show but it made me want to read the actual books instead tongue I took issue with some of the execution but it got me curious to explore more which is a good thing:)

It's such a great scifi concept though. This is a nice homage to the core of the story conflict. There is a Star Trek TNG episode where the enterprise makes first contact with a planet who's people are not ready and it devolves into a similar fearful escalation but with a different tone and spin. It's almost like seeing it from the flipped perspective. Very cool stuff.

Great rhythm section on this track.  I really like the panning on the hats (and snare maybe?).  The movement adds a really nice bouncy quality, and augments bass really nicely.  Great groove. 

i love this woozy laid back vibe, really cool mode for you!

Napear wrote:

Great rhythm section on this track.  I really like the panning on the hats (and snare maybe?).  The movement adds a really nice bouncy quality, and augments bass really nicely.  Great groove.

^ agreed. am i hearing 2 kicks too? that bass part is so tasty. it all is, really. and i love how much thought you put into the lyrics. some intriguing ideas. i'm not familiar with the Three Body Problem, but may need to look into that! cheers smile

Beautifully done, as always, and the subject matter is fascinating, too. "Dark Forest" was my favorite book in the series, this idea was entirely novel to me, but provides a decent explanation for the Fermi paradox. It's very bleak, sure, but as you point out in your lyrics, we won't live to experience whether it's true or not. And that is in many ways even bleaker. Which makes spending time on what we love the only sensible thing to do. Hence, I applaud Weekly Beats and your music in particular! Thanks for sharing.

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