Wonderland Overture
By Cosmic Cairns on April 14, 2016 7:32 pm
This one has a bit of a back story to it. About 7 or 8 years ago I made an alternate soundtrack to the Disney cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland. The idea at the time was that I would release the music as my new album and it would be kind of a cool little secret thing that it synced up to Alice in Wonderland a la Dark Side of the Moon and the Wizard of Oz. I'd never attempted to do a sync-up before, but I just kind of charged into it. I recorded on my computer and matched it up to the movie as it played on a dvd player. It actually worked really well, although it definitely took a lot of attention to detail. It took me about a year to finish it and after all the work I put in, I realized I didn't want to keep the sync-up part secret so much after all. The problem was when I burned a copy of the album to a CD and took the DVD of the movie over to someone else's house, I realized that their CD player and their DVD player didn't play at exactly the same speeds as my computer or my DVD player, so the sync started to get off. It worked great on my computer and my DVD player, but it didn't seem like I could show it to anyone anywhere else.
So I started to realize I should make a video file that actually synced the music and picture together in one file. The thing was, by this point I had moved on to other projects and it fell on the back burner. In the back of my mind I kept think it was something I should do, but I kept not getting around to it.
Well, just a few days ago I happened to have a day off from work and there was a huge rainstorm that came through and lasted all day. I didn't really want to go anywhere, so I figured it would be a good day to tackle a project of some sort. I remembered that I had been meaning to make the sync-up file for a long time and I decided to finally do it. In the process I realized that there's an opening credits sequence that lasts about a minute and a half. There's no animation during this time, just some still pictures from the movie and credits. I hadn't initially written any music for this portion because there was nothing for it to really sync up to. I was thinking about just trimming this part off, but then it occurred to me, why not write a new piece of music to serve as sort of an overture? And to kill two birds with one stone, it could also be my WeeklyBeats track. So this is the brand new opening credits music for my alternate soundtrack to Alice in Wonderland.
If you're interested, by chance, in checking out the whole sync-up I've got the file posted here for download: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=909BFE5AEAC23A1D!421&authkey=!AAwtVocZNfk24Xg&ithint=file%2czip
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