Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Cosmic Cairns's music / Manta Rays By Moonlight

Manta Rays By Moonlight

By Cosmic Cairns on September 18, 2024 10:21 pm

It was back to the grind this week, but last week I took a much needed vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii.  It's a beautiful place and you can feel a lot of spiritual energy there, if you're open to it.  I was able to take in a lot of nourishment for the soul and visited among other things volcanos, a black sand beach, petroglyph fields, underwater coral reefs brimming with colorful tropical fish, and watched a breathtaking sunset and then amazing stargazing on top of the highest mountain in Hawaii.   

One of the highlights of the trip, which I took inspiration from for this week's track, was a nighttime snorkel to watch manta rays.  I took a little poetic license with the title.  The moonlight was indeed beautiful on the water, but it wasn't bright enough to see the manta rays.  Instead they put out these platforms in the water with bright LED lights that shone in the water.  The light attracts plankton, and the plankton attracts giant manta rays to feed on them.  You simply hang onto the platform, put your face in the water with a mask and snorkel, and watch these elegant creatures glide underwater and frequently pass within inches of your face.  It was really incredible.

I expect I'll probably draw on some of the other experiences from this trip for inspiration down the homestretch of the year, but this felt like a good starting point.


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Sounds like a fantastic experience and inspiration for this song. I can picture (and dream) I'm witnessing the same majestic creatures soar through the water. Lovely tune!

oh what, that sounds like a dream! and so does your lovely track. thanks for taking us along with you!

THIS IS SO PRETTY!!!! Great job capturing the feeling of awe towards natural beauty.

Also, I'm very happy to hear the vacation rested you so well. Those moments are absolutely vital. Very, very happy for you. And excited to see what comes out of that well of inspiration!

I have a deep fear of the ocean at night, I am glad you had the light and sounds like a great and memorable experience (though I would be terrified). Its always good to have a bit of inspiration for your track and it shows.

I love manta rays! That track was a beautiful journey, loved the moods you captured. Gorgeous sounds and melodies, great ending.

manta rays are really cool. Lovely synth sounds, there's so many great tones and they all blend together really well, really inspiring

Glad to hear about your fine vacation and finding so many attractions. This song has special elegant synths in it. I can now imagine the fascination of meeting manta rays in real. Very well composed.

Lovely, makes me feel good. Nice synth sounds, sounded like horns. I'm picturing a little orchestra on the beach. Like flying with the rays. What a fantastic sea creature. The underwater world is mysterious fantastical, and little terrifying to me. Sounds like an amazing vacation, glad you felt the good energy!

That encounter with such an alien looking fish must have been inspiring and magic. This track captures some of the magic. The panning in this track is really good, giving a sense of space and a 3d effect. Maybe it's like that being deep in water, where instead of just thinking front/back and left/right, you need to also think up/down, hence the additional dimensions in the music. Thank you for sharing musically your experience with us.

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