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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Cosmic Cairns's music / Harbinger of Broom

Harbinger of Broom

By Cosmic Cairns on June 12, 2024 9:29 pm

For this one I improvised the main guitar line and then built the rest of the track around it using synths, more guitar, and some feedback from the guitar cable.  I wanted a little bit more at the end so I reversed a snippet of the main guitar and built around that.

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What a cool process! Love the guitar cable feedback and you can’t go wrong with reversed audio

Lovely improvisation. I hardly can hear which one the main guitar is, you mentioned . Everything has a beautiful omnipresence. I love your microtonal guitartuning skills too. Have a beautiful cosmic week, Mr. Cairns.

Neat use of the feedback for a lil rhythmic sorta SOS feel.  Love those warbly chorusy strums.  Feels like I'm watching a mini viking funeral as the boat floats off into the distance.

great stuff, really inspiring, building an entire soundscape from the guitar, sounds expansive and also super cohesive

oh yes, this is very much (one of) my thing(s)
love it, Cosmic!

SQF wrote:

What a cool process! Love the guitar cable feedback and you can’t go wrong with reversed audio

I agree.  I'm a total sucker for reversed sounds.

Q-Rosh wrote:

Lovely improvisation. I hardly can hear which one the main guitar is, you mentioned . Everything has a beautiful omnipresence. I love your microtonal guitartuning skills too. Have a beautiful cosmic week, Mr. Cairns.

Thanks!  I tried to make it all kind of blend together.  The main line is probably most prominent at the beginning when it's the most by itself.  The other guitars coming in probably make it a little harder to pinpoint.

Tone Matrix wrote:

Neat use of the feedback for a lil rhythmic sorta SOS feel.  Love those warbly chorusy strums.  Feels like I'm watching a mini viking funeral as the boat floats off into the distance.

I like the viking funeral image.  Thanks!

Bleeoop wrote:

great stuff, really inspiring, building an entire soundscape from the guitar, sounds expansive and also super cohesive

Sometimes I find it really effective to just start with a single element and build outwards.  Thanks!

jwh wrote:

oh yes, this is very much (one of) my thing(s)
love it, Cosmic!

For me it's this along with raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.  smile  Thanks!!!

Beauty work!

cfurrow wrote:

Beauty work!

Thanks for listening!

This has a very nice and peacefully droning feeling…reminds me a bit of Indian music.

Ashen Simian wrote:

This has a very nice and peacefully droning feeling…reminds me a bit of Indian music.

  Thanks!  I can see the Indian music comparison a little bit now that you mention it.

Let them come, I like their theme tune.
- Spider

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