Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Dragon Stone

By Cosmic Cairns on June 26, 2024 8:20 pm

I've been reading a few fantasy books recently so I guess I had a bit of castles and treasure rooms and magic on the brain. 

I accidentally applied some fuzz on the drums.  I was going to remove it, but then I decided I kind of liked it, so it stayed. 

Hey, look at that, we've reached the halfway point!  How's everyone doing?  2024 hasn't been the awesomest year so far for me in real life, but WB has been a nice thing to focus my energies on and I'm continuing to enjoy myself so far.  Hope it's going good for all of you.


Dust motes float through the air
As they pass through a sunray cone
Light falls on faded fabric
Of a long abandoned throne

Near the top of the tower
Constructed from dragon stone
Voices echo off the walls
It seems that you're not alone

Disappear into the mirror
Hold still don't move a muscle now
Head straight for the hidden door
Portal yourself away

Icy waters surround you
You're submerged in a lily pond
Stumble into a courtyard
Still clutching your broken wand

Warm yourself by the fire
In a cozy tavern somewhere
Tell tales of the palace of dragons
And the crown you stole from the heir

And the gold deep in the hold
Mountains of ancient lost treasure that
Lit the room despite the gloom
Someday you'll make your way back

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)

Happy halfway there! This song hits me in the heart right away. You're writing such sweet melodies as usual. Chefs kiss

A beautiful song of your limitless fantasies. The mix is perfectly balanced. Everything has the optimal efficiency.
This challange WB24 takes a lot of my little spare time. I rarely speak with my children anymore, the dog becomes a round black ball and the house bursts from equipment. I wonder where this is leading to.

This sounds like such a far out adventure with the uplifting lyrics and vocals and supportive acoustic guitar.  It feels like I just beat the bad guy and was transported to a safe sanctuary smile  Were haifway there!  \m/

Warm, fuzzy, uplifting - so cool! I think Tone Matrix is on point with the sanctuary comment, totally agree.

another gem with a Cosmic Cairns melody that just won't quit! that guitar solo outro brings us back down to earth, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. nice work!

holy beans, halfway! Time is weird. I like the fantastical story here, a grand adventure in just a few stanzas. Life is blarfy enough, gotta just escape to fantasy land, and your songs do just that, this takes us away to there, thanks for that. Sorry your 2024 isn't so hot so far. Agree that WB can be a nice part of life, sometimes makes things better to have this, so that's cool.

Lovely, ready for the next adventure!

Fun lyrics. Making me want to play some DnD with my friends smile

Sounds like a fun time.

Made it mid year! Going strong so far. Always keep learning and growing. Best part about weekly beats.

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