The Breakdown of Wonder
By Chrisfoo on January 7, 2022 3:10 am
Hey WB!
Very good to be back and I'm very excited to catch up with everyone/start listening to your music again. Had a pretty cruddy year and haven't really been able to get myself to produce a finished product in awhile, so I'm happy to be start this up again as it really helped me stay on track in 2020. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy my first track of the year. I feel like it has some pretty cool sounds but I'm not super crazy about it from a songwriting standpoint and think I was definitely too ambitious on the vocal range though. The low register of my voice (which I hit the very bottom of in the verses) sounds like trash so I had to go a bit over the top on processing to get it to work.
Also, I made myself some production goals this year. Going to publish them here so I can refer back to them:
-Write music that's less dense (Don't need a ton of instruments/pads/effects filling up the spectrum all the time)
-Get better takes, don't rely on editing/processing as much
-Write vocal parts to stay in strong part of range(G3-B4ish)
-Use more adventurous chord progressions
Thanks for listening!
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