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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / blighters_rock's music / Save Me From the Metaverse

Save Me From the Metaverse

By blighters_rock on January 23, 2022 10:24 pm

Big thanks to my buddy theaeon for his help with guitars and keys this week.

I'm open to all constructive criticism, and I especially would like feedback on the mix and how I could improve it.


tried to borrow angel wings
fighting mutant enemies
catch the wind and fly away
another chance, another day
try to save the human race
before we shoot us in the face

the metaverse is nothing new
ignore the world, enjoy the view
losing sight of who we are
hey, man, check my avatar
I think morpheus got it wrong
we put ourselves into the pods

start looking in a mirror some time
stop looking at the other side
your last chance to save yourself
start reading in between the lines
stop living once upon a time
your last chance to save yourself...
... is to live before you die

walking through the empty streets
nobody left to meet
everyone is locked indoors
drone delivery retail stores
how can anyone save themself
when they're locked into a cell

a letter that I wrote myself
wishing peace, and love, and health
didn't find its way to me
I've left reality
all the best, I'll see you there
nobody seems to care

The mix is fine, perhaps boost the bass a bit.

Nice rock tune.

Devieus wrote:

The mix is fine, perhaps boost the bass a bit.

Nice rock tune.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hell yeah dude. Not only did I get a laugh from the metaverse but there's a lot of nice compositional chops being shown here. It's cool to see your songs manifesting smile. I love the post-chorus riff with the stops, gives it so much power and emphasis. Also the vocals being used as a pivot point for the transition into the solo at 3:12 is a really nice touch. Great work this week. I think the mix should be a stretch goal personally, I think writing a song you're happy with is important and then if you have time to polish it, cool, if not then you can always polish it up at a later time now that you have a finished song.

Also Matrix references lol. Fun lyrics this week.

ViridianLoom wrote:

Hell yeah dude. Not only did I get a laugh from the metaverse but there's a lot of nice compositional chops being shown here. It's cool to see your songs manifesting smile. I love the post-chorus riff with the stops, gives it so much power and emphasis. Also the vocals being used as a pivot point for the transition into the solo at 3:12 is a really nice touch. Great work this week. I think the mix should be a stretch goal personally, I think writing a song you're happy with is important and then if you have time to polish it, cool, if not then you can always polish it up at a later time now that you have a finished song.

Also Matrix references lol. Fun lyrics this week.

Thanks! I wrote this chorus on Friday and by Sunday morning I was really doubting if I could pull it all together. Leaned into the cheese a little bit, and I ended up dairy happy with it!

Sweet geek rock sound with the guitars and synths (in the best way!). Love it!

Dkstr wrote:

Sweet geek rock sound with the guitars and synths (in the best way!). Love it!

Thanks! I wear glasses and fly a computer to work, so you're in the clear

blighters_rock wrote:
Dkstr wrote:

Sweet geek rock sound with the guitars and synths (in the best way!). Love it!

Thanks! I wear glasses and fly a computer to work, so you're in the clear

I just sit around computer and try to make "graphics" so I think you win this one"

me, whenever anyone asks for feedback: louder drums!

my only other tip, is to notch out a very small piece of low mid on the vocals.

BUT DANG WOW you are such a good instrument player/singer and your chord choice is *chef's kiss* great lyrics and melody/harmony

downloaded and favorited

Great sum up of the damn metaverse.

Super good instrumentation and sound. Love the drums, I also think they could go a bit louder in the mix but I also don't know what I'm talking about. It was great to listen to.

Dope composition, dope vocals and just right harmonization on the vocals. At first I was like is that just a chorus effect but nope, it's two voices! big_smile cool

so good powerpop!!

orangedrink wrote:

me, whenever anyone asks for feedback: louder drums!

my only other tip, is to notch out a very small piece of low mid on the vocals.

BUT DANG WOW you are such a good instrument player/singer and your chord choice is *chef's kiss* great lyrics and melody/harmony

downloaded and favorited

Thanks for the praise! Means a lot to me. Next week will have louder drums in your honor, and I'll try out the notch you suggest. Much appreciated!

horatiuromantic wrote:

Great sum up of the damn metaverse.

Super good instrumentation and sound. Love the drums, I also think they could go a bit louder in the mix but I also don't know what I'm talking about. It was great to listen to.

Dope composition, dope vocals and just right harmonization on the vocals. At first I was like is that just a chorus effect but nope, it's two voices! big_smile cool

Glad you liked the theme! Even though the lyrics are a little silly, I ended up liking them quite a bit! Thanks for all the kind words.

tobokegao wrote:

so good powerpop!!

I was trying to think of the right way to tag this sort of thing, and I think you nailed it! Thanks!

Awesome song man, well tracked and recorded.  The lyrics actually remind me of the song Total Entertainment Forever by Father John Misty.  The mix isn't bad at all, but I think the guitar could come up quite a bit in the chorus. 

listening again, this is so freaking good

I love drums so i usually like louder drums or a tight snare, but that's my personal bias. However, more importantly than the drums, it's the arrangement and the melodies, and you got those! I like the lyrics, vocals and especially the harmonies. I especially like the section with the synth like melody and the sudden stop (like 1:36 onward).

We've been warned

Chrisfoo wrote:

Awesome song man, well tracked and recorded.  The lyrics actually remind me of the song Total Entertainment Forever by Father John Misty.  The mix isn't bad at all, but I think the guitar could come up quite a bit in the chorus.

Thanks! I love that song you mentioned. It's been getting stuck in my head for the past week. I agree on the chorus guitars. I tried backing them off a little bit to make sure the last chorus was a little more powerful (gradually cranking them through the song), but I think I went a little too far.

orangedrink wrote:

listening again, this is so freaking good

!! Thanks !!

Kedbreak136 wrote:

I love drums so i usually like louder drums or a tight snare, but that's my personal bias. However, more importantly than the drums, it's the arrangement and the melodies, and you got those! I like the lyrics, vocals and especially the harmonies. I especially like the section with the synth like melody and the sudden stop (like 1:36 onward).

I haven't quite figured out how to record drums in the room I've got and make myself happy with them, but I'm gonna keep grinding at it. Thanks for the kind words.

Ipaghost wrote:

We've been warned

This image has been haunting my dreams.

Damn I missed all your songs since the start of the year but this is solid tasty rock to my ears, plus I love the fact that those are real recorded instruments (I have nothing against the use of samples, or pre-fabricated midi stuff, some are stupid good creating track that way too).

Will follow. smile

Really cool opening riff! Mix sounds good, might be interesting to try increasing the amount of compression on the master bus to lightly "glue" the mix together.

djippy wrote:

Damn I missed all your songs since the start of the year but this is solid tasty rock to my ears, plus I love the fact that those are real recorded instruments (I have nothing against the use of samples, or pre-fabricated midi stuff, some are stupid good creating track that way too).

Will follow. smile

Late reply, but thanks! I also try to listen to as much of the "meatspace" music on here as I can.

zirafa wrote:

Really cool opening riff! Mix sounds good, might be interesting to try increasing the amount of compression on the master bus to lightly "glue" the mix together.

Thanks so much! I've definitely been experimenting with different things, and hopefully improving my mixes since this one. Will give that a shot!

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