Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Live This Down

By blighters_rock on July 24, 2022 11:52 pm

Ick. Really unhappy with the drums on this. I probably should have just spent a half hour warming up before jumping into recording this cold. Sounds so sloppy.

Ran out of time mixing. Lots of things to fix. Overall I like the song, though.

› Lyrics

I think the drums sound fine/good, but I also relate to being self-critical of something others don't take any issue with. As always, great lyrics and vocal melodies especially the chorus sounds excellent, of which there's a lot of cool riffing too. Also really great melodic interlude, I suspect that's theaeon? wink sounded like his style of guitar playing. Great track overall!

ViridianLoom wrote:

I think the drums sound fine/good, but I also relate to being self-critical of something others don't take any issue with. As always, great lyrics and vocal melodies especially the chorus sounds excellent, of which there's a lot of cool riffing too. Also really great melodic interlude, I suspect that's theaeon? wink sounded like his style of guitar playing. Great track overall!

Thanks! I must be wearing my influences on my sleeve. All me!

Got really hooked on the bass tones, but the rest is great too, the jam near the end was dope.

alonemusic wrote:

Got really hooked on the bass tones, but the rest is great too, the jam near the end was dope.

Much appreciated!

Raw rock has a charm that can't be beat.
- Devieus

Like the drive in the verses with the gaps in the guitars, cool stuff. Nice riffs at the end too!

Solid rock track. I am all right with your drum playing, maybe you could get a little more punch from it within the mix but this is a pretty cool track. Love the bass tone.

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