Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By Bleeoop on June 30, 2024 4:21 pm

I wasn't feeling too well in the last couple of days so not totally happy with the finished track but still managed to finish

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Such a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. The elements are hovering gently around my head. Beautiful track.

you may not be totally happy with it, but i am! hope you feel better

It creates a soothing and ethereal atmosphere.  I'm picturing floating above the clouds and looking down at snow covered mountaintops. 

Hope you are feeling better.  I really enjoyed this, very nice buildup of the synth layers and the feeling of movement.  Really like that middle section where the buzzy bass builds a little in intensity.

Beautiful work. Hope you feel better soon. heart

Hope you feel better soon! Love when the more upbeat section came in at 0:32.

Somehow the name, Ringlets, made me think of a little girl with the German (?) hairstyle of braids fastened in round circles (ringlets). So throughout the song I imagine her dancing on a sunny meadow, with clouds passing by

Funny where music can take us big_smile

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Q-Rosh wrote:

Such a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. The elements are hovering gently around my head. Beautiful track.

thank you so much!

jwh wrote:

you may not be totally happy with it, but i am! hope you feel better

ah thanks! I am feeling a lot better this week

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

It creates a soothing and ethereal atmosphere.  I'm picturing floating above the clouds and looking down at snow covered mountaintops.

that's a beautiful image, thinking about floating over the clouds right now!

Mi auguro una pronta guarigione.

this is a really pretty restful track

Halfway we got this!  Love the pace of how this track develops.

Jason Nijjer wrote:

Hope you are feeling better.  I really enjoyed this, very nice buildup of the synth layers and the feeling of movement.  Really like that middle section where the buzzy bass builds a little in intensity.

I am doing much better now thank you!

levelcapybara wrote:

Beautiful work. Hope you feel better soon. heart

I have recovered, feeling better now thanks!

Mission Crossing wrote:

Hope you feel better soon! Love when the more upbeat section came in at 0:32.

thank you I am feeling better now! I sometimes am very wary of picking up the tempo but should try to do it more

Minnamari wrote:

Somehow the name, Ringlets, made me think of a little girl with the German (?) hairstyle of braids fastened in round circles (ringlets). So throughout the song I imagine her dancing on a sunny meadow, with clouds passing by

Funny where music can take us big_smile

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Oh that's a very evocative image, I love it. Thanks a lot, and yes I am feeling better now!

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